Obama Waits Three Days To Comment On Islamic Terror Attack On United States

The President decided that it would cut into his busy vacation time of golfing, basketball and eating to comment on the attempted Islamic Terrorist attack in Detroit Michigan on Christmas day.

Christmas Day, 12/25/09 1832 hrs EST: “Mr. President, any comments about the terrorist attack on Christmas day?”

" Uh, er...Um....To busy right now...try me later"

Saturday 12/26/2009 11:20am “Mr. President, how bout now…any comments on the attempt to bomb an United States commercial Jet bound for Detroit, Michigan?”

"Busy eating my waffles right now...maybe later, ok?!?"

Sunday 12/27/2009 12:15 pm: “Uh, Mr President. It’s been two days since the attempted bombing of a NorthWest Flight from Europe to Detroit Michigan, any thoughts?”

"Can't you see I'm playing Basketball right now? I'm on vacation, Can't you wait for my words of wisdon?"

Sunday 12/27/2009 10:30 pm: “Mr President, the nation is looking for leadership from you and your thoughts on the attempted terrorist attack on Christmas Day, could you please say a few words to comfort a worried nation?”

"Tomorrow afternoon for sure! Can't you see I'm hanging out with my friends?  I'll see if I can fit the nation in tomorrow!"

"Can't you see I'm with friends right now? Can't this wait?...Tomorrow, Ok?"

Monday 12/28/2009 President Obama took time out of his vacation 3 days after a Islamic terrorist tried to blow up a Northwest plane over Detroit, Michigan…..

President Obama declared Monday that his administration “will not rest” until it tracks down everyone involved in the attempted bombing of a Detroit-bound flight on Christmas, and pledged to do “everything in our power” to ensure security in the thick of the holiday travel season. 

In his first public remarks on the incident, the president said Americans should be “confident,” but also stay “vigilant.” 

Obama, who is on vacation in Hawaii, called the Detroit incident a “serious reminder” of the threat posed by terrorism abroad. 

"We will not rest.....Thank you...Try the veal"

Is it fucking 2012 yet?

2 responses to “Obama Waits Three Days To Comment On Islamic Terror Attack On United States

  1. Obama only wants the “easy, fun jobs.” He likes going to New Jersey to campaign for Jon Corzine – three times. How pathetic. He likes going to Allentown, PA, acting like a cheerleader, rather than a leader. He goes behind closed doors to meet with Harry Reid et al. Obama does not like the tough/dirty jobs. But this is what a real president has to do sometimes. This president blames others and Bush so he can look good. Then he takes full credit when something goes right – which does not happen often, because he is a do nothing, just have fun – joe rock star, in the front of the cameras sort of president. I know this, BO knows nothing about banking, the economy, wall street, the military, terrorists, homeland security, the Constitution, and people, unless they are from Chicago. He have high unemployment, problems with the middle east, and main troublemaker Iran, deficits, and this guy goes to Hawaii and stays at an expensive condo – on vacation. Then it takes him three days to respond after a plane nearly gets blown up. This should show how much this president cares about people.

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