Monday Maddness: Ghey Obama Pics

Teh Ghey

Teh Ghey

And of course, Obama Madness would not be complete without some more of the Obama Nude on a Unicorn series….

More Obama Nude on a Unicorn

More Obama Nude on a Unicorn

The Sequel

Obama Does A Unicorn: The Sequel

Wey Ghey!

Wey Ghey!

8 responses to “Monday Maddness: Ghey Obama Pics

  1. So, what exactly is Obama doing with the unicorn? Or maybe, what is the unicorn doing to him?

    I did a bible code search. Thought it was wierd. I have Obama linked to a spaceship that bombs Iraq and caused a holocaust. I just started another search. The match alien / obama comes up too, so maybe that is his problem.

    Obama and the spaceship

  2. Honestly, the contributors here seem mildly retarded. Look at John above, in triplicate!

    I thought ALL Jews were “Rogues”, if by rogue you mean murderous and exploitative.
    In any case, I won’t be back to visit. If you want to comment, please see me over at one of the best blogs on the internet, Incogman’s!

    P.S. Jews should be very proud today. Looks as the Bernie-Jew Madoff might escape punishment. I hope so, this way even the most ignorant Americans will see what criminals the “rogues” are.

    “I eat meat”….wtf is that supposed to prove? Weakling Jews boast of eating meat. Twisted little bunch.

  3. P.S. This is the first and only time I ever visited a “Jew owned and operated site”. I won’t be back, so don’t get your panties in a bunch.

  4. Pingback: Stimulus Package

  5. well “UN”aMERICAN..youre certainly the anti semite arent ya?
    good thing u wont be back. if you read this youre a liar. so your reply is a contradiction. oh yeah these obama pix r pretty weird..haha.
    I dont know judges said barak defeated the canaanite king in an armageddon-ish battle, because all their cars broke down. I hope we dont soon witness the opposite.

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