Obama: Prepare Yourself For The Schtuppin You Are About To Receive!

I will remember fondly for years the ass whooping American Citizens are going to deliver upon the Anti American Liberal Progressive (whatever the fuck else they’re calling themselves these days) come November of this year.

Epic Fail: 52% Say Obama Doesn’t Deserve Reelection

Even the Communist News Network is seeing the writing on the wall at this point.  13 months after taking office, Americans have had enough with Obama’s brand of  “Hope(less) & Change(less). 

Some of us saw this start on 01/20/2009

From CNN:

52 percent of Americans said President Barack Obama doesn’t deserve reelection in 2012, according to a new poll.

44 percent of all Americans said they would vote to reelect the president in two and a half years, less than the slight majority who said they would prefer to elect someone else.

Obama faces a 44-52 deficit among both all Americans and registered voters, according to a CNN/Opinion Research poll released Tuesday. Four percent had no opinion.

There are those of us who saw this coming from a mile a way.  Obama has noone but himself and his Marxist thinking to blame.  He tried to force a ultra liberal agenda down our throats and now he will face the wrath of the voters come 2012!  Personally, I say FUCK HIM!

Ron Paul: The Only Man Who Can Save America Is An Accomplice To It’s Bankruptcy


Mr. Small government Ron Paul is the GOP’s biggest Porker when it comes to earmark spending and after all of his screaming about smaller government he is nothing more then a hypocrite no different then Obama, Reid, Murtha, or Pelosi.  Nothing more then a RINO as I long suspected he was.

From AoSHQ:

1) He is one of the biggest yellers about small government. I certainly don’t begrudge him that but…

2) Does such a yeller need to be the top Republican porker? Can’t he satisfy himself with being, say, in the middle third of earmarkers?

And of course:

3) It’s disappointing, because I’ve been told he’s the Only Man Who Can Save America.

The Texas congressman who is the darling of the Libertarian Right, has more earmarks in the pork-laden $410-billion spending bill than any other Republican.

That’s not according to the MSM, or the liberal blogosphere. That’s what Fox News is reporting.

In an interview Tuesday  night with Fox News’ Neil Cavuto, Paul not only defended his own earmarks, he argued that every penny in the federal budget should be earmarked, to improve transparency.

I wonder if any of the earmarks for America’s Krazy Unkkkle was to payback the White Supremacists that supported him during his run for President?

Epic Google Fail

Epic Google Fail!

Epic Google Fail!

Go to Google.Com and type in…..

Obama Failure:  Results 1 10 of about 22,900,000 for obama failure. (0.17 seconds)

Bush Failure:  Results 1 10 of about 13,300,000 for bush failure. (0.10 seconds)

Less then 30 days into what is going to be a long 4 years and the Moonbat Messiah has already surpassed Bush as an Epic Failure!

I’m gonna need more popcorn!

Comrade Obama Wants Your Guns Now!


Registration is the first step to confiscation.   CHANGE I don’t believe in!
I was wondering when our dear leader was going to get around to declaring war against the gun owners in America.  While keeping us all preoccupied with his Messiah Made Financial Disaster, his koolaid slurping followers seem to have crafted the following piece of shit legislation aimed at Armed Americans.

In the image of Facsist Dictators before him, the Moonbat Messiah sets his sights on the one thing that makes a Free nation free…..GUNS!

From Atlas Shrugs:

Are you ready for the House Bill titled ‘HR 45, Blair Holt Licensing and Record Act of 2009’. It will make it illegal to own a firearm unless it is registered with the database in Washington D.C. As a gun owner you will have to be finger printed, you will be required to provide your DL#, SS#, you must maintain a valid address at all times, submit to mental and physical health records being put on file, you will also be required to file any address changes and any ownership changes even if private sale. Each update will cost $25 and if you fail to comply you will lose your right to own firearms. This bill and its language mirror almost completely one defeated last year in the House of Representatives by soon to be Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel. Will the citizenry be as lucky this time?

Pass this on to everyone who believes in strict Constitutionalism and remember that laws only apply to those who obey them. Criminals by definition and nature do not abide by laws. New laws and restrictions only apply to the law abiding citizen and are not written with the criminal in mind. With guns, it is not abou t having laws on the books to prosecute individuals, it is about taking guns away from the people so that no one has them in the first place. One last item to note, when assuming power and creating a facist state, Hitler was a proponent of strong gun laws because a disarmed populace was much easier to control than an armed one. The Kings of old also outlawed weapons of any kind in any region that they conquered to quell the ability of the citizens to uprise against them.

The Founding Fathers of this Nation understood all of the above and because of this they included the Second Amendment in the Constitution. In fact, they knew that at some point in every society’s life span that the need for the population to arise came about. To this end they made the right to keep and bear arms against a tyrannical state an absolute right that could not be revoked. They did this because the first thing tyrants and despots do is to remove a populations right to defend themselves. When this is done the tyrants have no problem with the destruction of society as we know it.

Thank You President Bush For Your Service To Our Country

I didn’t always agree with you, but most importantly you kept us safe by delivering the message to Islamic Terrorists that any attack on our nation would be met with all of the might of our Armed Forces and  superior firepower.  You had faith in us as a nation, faith in Freedom, and despite strong opposition from a fanatical Liberal Left, you stood your ground.  You put country before yourself.  For that I am grateful.


For your tax cuts by entrusting the American people to decide what to do with their own money rather then giving it to government to decide, my wallet and my wife thanks you.

And mostly for being a great friend to the Jewish State of Israel and Jews everywhere.  Your ideas for peace in Israel were not the greatest, but your heart was in the right place.

Throughout your presidency, Americans have saw a man with unfailing modesty, strong character, decency, moral clarity and class. He was as consistently gracious to his critics as they were consistently rude and full of hatred. He never wavered in distinguishing good from evil and freedom from tyranny, or, as he explained in his second inaugural, “the moral choice between oppression, which is always wrong, and freedom, which is eternally right.”

When the new year arrived on Jan 1, 2009, President Bush said to the nation, “As my time in office comes to a close, I thank the American people for trusting me with the honor of serving our great country. It has been a tremendous privilege.”

For these things and many more Mr. President, you have my heartfelt gratitude.  May G-d bless you and your family President Bush.

The Rogue Jew

Pretty In Mink

The tree hugging save the whales weinies are at it again.  Now they are sniveling about Conservative Women wearing fur!

From Michelle Malkin:

Over the past several years, I’ve had fun participating in the annual Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute calendar. CBLPI is a terrific organization run by tireless Michelle Easton, who leads the group in keeping Clare Boothe Luce’s legacy alive and “reaching out to women all over the nation to prepare them for effective conservative leadership.” This year, the CBLPI team picked a “Pretty in Mink” theme for the calendar


Why is it the libtards are so f’n eager to protect animals, insects, reptiles, and trees but cringe at the mere thought of protecting an unborn human or liberating enslaved people from murderous Dictators?  I have my own campaign I’m launching this holiday season.

clubliberalssealsI’m still for clubbing seals in exchange for a warm pair of mittens to go with my Ivory Handled Cane, but would gladly trade a baby seal for a chance to punch Nancy Pelosi in her botox mug.

Hell, I’ll take…

Conservative Women

Conservative Women


Liberal Skanks

Liberal Skanks

Any freaking day of the week.  Liberal women resemble something that was buried inside of an old shoe beneath a pile of dog shit if you ask me.  I wouldn’t fuck them with Bill Clinton’s dick.

The Nuge Speaks: RINO Season Is Now Open

I don’t think there is too much that one can add to words of wisdom from Uncle Ted.  I do have to admit, that I just love how this guy doesn’t pull any punches.  All I can say to this is….”Let’s Roll!”

Like any entity that abandons basic quality control, political parties rot from within. It happened to the Democrats long ago, and now has become the case with the Republican Party, which has strayed from its conservative underpinnings.

There are really only four things I have a strong aversion to: unloaded guns, dull knives, banjos, and Republicans in Name Only (RINOs).

The Nugent family simply doesn’t allow any of those things in our lives.

RINOs are Fedzilla punks who feign support for conservative principles only when it serves their political interest. RINOs are also known for their moderate positions such as supporting tax increases, federal “bailouts”, “comprehensive immigration reform”, advocating more counterproductive gun control that guarantee more innocent victims, opposing the death penalty, and growing and sustaining Fedzilla and all its toxic mongrels by going along with the liberals. RINOs have forgotten President Ronald Maximus Regan’s admonition that government is the problem, not the solution.

RINOs reach across Fedzilla’s aisle to cut deals and build consensus with the liberals. Consensus building means compromising values and cutting deals with the socialist prankster punksters whose goal it is to turn America into EuroAmerica.

Consensus building is for wimps and soulless people who stand for nothing. Compromise is not about being tolerant: these days, it’s about giving up conservative principles.

As the Republican Party begins to retool, rebuild and return to the “less government is best government” conservatism that makes America work, the first thing the GOP needs to do is to lock the RINOs out of the discussion. Heavily armed with an abundance of conservative attitude, my hunting buddies and I will provide security to ensure RINOs are kept downwind from the discussion. If allowed to participate, RINOs will continue to rot the Republican Party from within and diminish it in the eyes of the public. Enough is enough.

John McCain has been a RINO on campaign finance, immigration, global warming and other issues and look what happened to him. He had reached across the aisle so many times to cut deals with the liberals that he had to pick Governor Palin, a true conservative, to try and lure disenfranchised and disgusted conservatives back into the fold. Didn’t work. Senator McCain was the wrong candidate at the right time. RINOs lose elections; 
conservatives win them.

Should President-elect Obama implement his wrong-headed economic policies, our economy will continue to slide into the abyss and America’s debt will continue to soar to unsustainable levels. Conservatives must hold the line at all costs and call out all RINOs who support President-elect Obama’s economic kamikaze plan.

Make no mistake, conservative values and ideologies are embraced by Americans. The polls all indicate Americans are fed up with the Pelosi-led, do nothing congress, and do not support more government programs and control. Sounds to me like we have a conservative revolution brewing. 

Conservative leaders and thinkers such as Newt Gingrich, Jed Babbin, Governor Jindal of Louisiana, Thomas Sowell, Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin, Governor Sarah Palin and others need to turn up the heat and bring this less government, more individual freedom and strong national defense revolution to a boil. It is time.

My specialty is making Fedzilla punks squirm and turn into a puddle of sweat and drool. Therefore, in the spirit of famous butt kickers Generals Chesty Puller and George Patton, I say we launch an attack on all fronts. Uncle Ted hereby declares it is open season on RINOs. No bag limits or permits required. Conservative ideas, arguments and votes are the weapons we will use. Hunt them down and shine a blazing light on these RINO turncoat cockroaches. Zero in the “we the people” crosshairs of your voting assault weapon and aim for the RINO pumpstation. Double tap center mass. Whack em and stack em, track em and hack em, pack em and give em no slack. Let’s do to the RINO beasts what we did to the passenger pigeon. Force out of the Republican Party out the subspecies known as RINOs. 

We must not make the mistake of keeping the GOP tent so big that there’s room for RINOs. They are in the business of producing conservative defeats. Instead, join me in the new Conservative Revolution. Let’s go out and win another one for the Gipper. 


My Thoughts On Sarah Palin

She's a good Hooker and a master baiter!

I have a lot of respect for Governor Sarah Palin and what she has accomplished, and that’s saying alot coming from a polished male chauvinist pig such as myself.  It is in my opinion that Sarah Palin did not lose the election for John McCain, but John McCain lost the election for John McCain.  

I would have thought that a man such as John McCain would have been more of a fighter in this campaign but he proved us all wrong.  Unwilling to bring up issues of Obama’s character and connecting him to racist preacher Jeremiah Wright and taking so much else off the table made this a losing proposition for the once Maverick.

Granted, I think that much more is going to come out of this election that will not bode well for Barack Obama.  I feel that many crimes were committed to get Barack Obama to the pinnacle of Power and I think he was knowledgeable in what crimes were being committed to get him there.  

As for Sarah Palin, I wouldn’t count her out.  She’s a gutsy broad with more balls then most of the men in Washington.  With time and experience, I think she herself will rise from the flames of John McCain’s disastrous political disaster and come out of it stronger and wiser.

I hope to see ya around in 2012 Governor Palin.

Economic Collapse Planned Or Coincidence?

I don’t want to be called a truther or a conspiracy nut, but I do find it strange that this whole economic collapse was predicted by McCain and the Republicans back as early as 2006 and the Democrats kept saying everything was ok, nothing is wrong, just keep walking.  Nothing to see here folks, show’s over!  

If it hadn’t been for this whole debacle with Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac, which I must add was enabled and nurtured by Barack Obama and Barney Frank, I believe that John McCain could have easily have won the election, but of course we all know how it all played out.

I have to say, it would not surprise me one bit that the Democrats planned this all along know full well that President Bush would be blamed and anyone associated with him and the Republican party would be held responsible and would have a snowballs chance in hell of getting elected.  The Democrats only hope was a failing economy to come along.  How could they have not known this was coming?  

For Democrats to have power, they require an electorate that will vote with their hand out.  They NEED voters to have a need to be rescued by a big government.  Remember Huricane Katrina and the idiots that waited and waited for the Gubmit to come rescue them rather then packing up and getting the hell out of dodge?  That is the welfare mentallity created by a welfare state governed by Democrats.

I would like to think that my own government would not stoop to such a low level of depravity in the name of Power, but after watching the Democrats over the last 8 yrs in their deranged state of mind, I have to admit that it would not surprise me at all.

That’s just my opinion, I could be wrong…..but I doubt it!

Online Poll: Let’s Get Ready To Rumble!?!

Oh hell no!  Can I at least get some rest before this shit starts all over again?

Their majority of gubernatorial seats larger by one, Democrats are taking aim at key states in 2010, including California, Minnesota and Connecticut. Republicans, who successfully re-elected four incumbents on an election night of big GOP losses elsewhere, want to win back Kansas, Ohio and Pennsylvania, among others.

At stake is control over the redrawing of legislative and congressional maps and the chance to influence the 2012 presidential election through governors’ bully pulpits and fundraising machines.

At the end of an Election Day in which 11 governorships were decided, eight incumbents were re-elected, split evenly between the two parties. Democrats won the three governors’ posts where no incumbent was running, and flipped one of those – Missouri – from Republican to Democratic hands.

But Tuesday’s results gave both parties reason to be optimistic about 2010.

Tell me what you think…

Election Day Live Blogging

CNN has already declared Obama’s campaign a victory and a landslide at that.  Could they be any more in the tank?

From the Commie News Network:

”DIXVILLE NOTCH, New Hampshire (CNN) — Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama emerged victorious in the first election returns of the 2008 presidential race, winning 15 of 21 votes cast in Dixville Notch, New Hampshire.”

Unconfirmed Reports of fraud and voter intimidation coming in from Philly where I’ve heard rumors that the Black Panthers are holding night sticks are blocking the doors at voting sites in Philly.

From LGF:

Fox News just reported on an incident at a polling station in Philadelphia, where Black Panthers were blocking the entrance (one of them holding a nightstick) and intimidating voters; police were called. According to a witness they were telling people, “A black man is going to win this election no matter what,” and, “White supremacy is over.” One of these Black Panthers is actually an official poll watcher.

When Fox News showed up, the Black Panthers started accusing them of voter intimidation.

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farakkahn and Domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers voted this morning in the same place as the Obamessiah.

Update:  Sorry, work calls.  I couldn’t get away as I had hoped.  We all know how this ended anyways.

The Night Before….

I admit it.  I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve.  I feel comfortable in knowing I did my part in this process.  Was it enough?  Only time will tell.  I have prayed hard that not only will John McCain and Sarah Palin be victorious on November 4, 2008, but that America delivers a death blow to the Liberal Democrats and sends a message to them that they can keep their “Change” because we want to keep ours and decide for ourselves how to spend our own hard earned money rather then Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi redistributing our wealth to those who did nothing to earn it.

I’m leaving at 6:30 am for our polls which open at 7 am.  My vote for McCain/Palin will be a thunderous “Fuck You” to the Democrats and by casting my vote, will be a giant middle finger to all Liberals!

Time to go to bed and pray some more.  Good night, and good luck America!

**EXPLOSIVE NEW AUDIO** Obama Promises San Francisco Audience He Will Bankrupt The American Coal Industry!

Obama has some “Hope & Change” in store for the people of Virginia and Pennsylvania and 25 other states that mine coal here in the United States.  He told his elitist friends in San Fransisco that he intends on bankrupting the American Coal industry.  Remember, these are the same people he was speaking to when he referred to the People of Pennsylvania as “Bitter people who cling to their guns and religion”.

The Gospel According to the Obamessiah:


“Let me sort of describe my overall policy.

What I’ve said is that we would put a cap and trade system in place that is as aggressive, if not more aggressive, than anybody else’s out there.

I was the first to call for a 100% auction on the cap and trade system, which means that every unit of carbon or greenhouse gases emitted would be charged to the polluter. That will create a market in which whatever technologies are out there that are being presented, whatever power plants that are being built, that they would have to meet the rigors of that market and the ratcheted down caps that are being placed, imposed every year.

So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it’s just that it will bankrupt them because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.

That will also generate billions of dollars that we can invest in solar, wind, biodiesel and other alternative energy approaches.

The only thing I’ve said with respect to coal, I haven’t been some coal booster. What I have said is that for us to take coal off the table as a ideological matter as opposed to saying if technology allows us to use coal in a clean way, we should pursue it.

So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can.

It’s just that it will bankrupt them.”

Some FACTS about Coal as a source of energy here in the US:


Although 90 percent of the country’s coal reserves are concentrated in 10 states, coal in mined in 27 states and can be found in even more. Montana has the most coal, 25 percent of demonstrated reserves. Wyoming, third among states with the most coal, is first in coal output, accounting for 18 percent of annual production.

U.S. coal reserves contain 12 times as much energy as all the oil in Saudi Arabia! A brief look at some numbers explains why coal is the country’s most abundant and important energy resource.

According to the United States Geological Survey, we have 1.7 trillion tons of identified coal resources — coal for which geological evidence and engineering studies provide reliable information about location, rank, quality, and quantity. (Geologists recognize that more coal deposits are likely to be discovered in the future, so they estimate total coal resources could amount to 4 trillion tons.)

Much of the coal we know about cannot be mined today, because it would be too costly or existing technology doesn’t allow it. It may be too deep, for example, or the quality may not meet current needs. So to be realistic, experts estimate that 472 billion tons of that coal are potentially recoverable. This is called the demonstrated reserve base.

Once again Obama shows as much concern for American Citizens, Industry and Energy Independence as he does for his family.  How many more ways is there to say “We’re so fucked” if this guy get elected?

We need to remember also what Joe “Gaffalot” Biden said about coal plants here in the US:

“No new coal plants here in America”

Don’t believe me, just listen for yourself.  Words straight from the mouth of an ass:

Twas The Night Before The Election

A friend of mine emailed this to me.  He said he got it from the Barking Moonbat Early Warning System.  Enjoy!

‘Twas the night before elections
And all through the town
Tempers were flaring
Emotions all up and down!
I, in my bathrobe
With a cat in my lap
Had cut off the TV
No more political crap.
They had come for my wallet
They wanted my pay
To give to the others
Who had not worked a day!
He snatched up my money
And quick as a wink
Jumped back on his bandwagon
As I gagged from the stink
He then rallied his henchmen
Who were pulling his cart
I could tell they were out
To tear my country apart!
On Fannie, on Freddie,
On Biden and Ayers!
On Acorn, On Pelosi’
He screamed at the pairs!
They took off for his cause
And as he flew out of sight
I heard him laugh at the nation
Who wouldn’t stand up and fight!
So I leave you to think
On this one final note-
If you don’t want socialism,
get your ass out and VOTE!

Obama Weak On Iran

New McCain Ad

Obama will in all likelyhood, sit down with anyone that hates Israel and give them whatever they want.  It’s what Soros wants, it’s what all of Obama’s closest supporters want and paid for!

Keep the Change bitch!