What A Schmuck!

As we all know, President (puke) Barack Obama recent hosted (at taxpayer expense) a lavish state dinner for the Prime Minister of India.

From The National Review Online:

President Obama welcomed Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to the White House with words that have inspired snickers in New Delhi:

"Yours is the first official state visit of my presidency, its fitting that you and India be so recognised," 48-year-old Obama told the 77-year-old Indian leader.

The general reaction in India has been: Who the heck does this guy think he is? Note to the Great Diplomat: When you do a head of state an honor, you don’t remind him, in public, of the fact that you have done him an honor, particularly in self-aggrandizing terms of this sort.

I cannot imagine Dr. Singh responding to Obama: "I am the first state visitor of your presidency, and it is fitting that you and the United States be so recognized. Especially considering that I have the guts to stand up to the Chinese from time to time, while you’re basically groveling and praying that they don’t decide to divest their dollar holdings. Did I mention our 7 percent economic growth, compared to your … 3 percent, 3.5? Now, what did you want to talk about?"

As we have all come to know and chuckle about, Barack & Michelle Obama have less tact and class then the  White Trailer Trash that they look down their noses at.

Thanks to the guys at Moonbattery for giving me the idea to put in to pictures what Barack Obama probably really wanted to say to the Indian Prime Minister in their meeting.

Obama Idiot

Hamas Is Operating Phone Banks For Obama….In Gaza!

The enemy is amongst us.  The enemy is from within.  The enemy has a name……Barack Hussein Obama.

For the past several months, friends of Jimmy Carter’s from the Terrorist group Hamas in the Palestinian Occupied Land of Gaza has been gathering daily to call Americans and spread the Gospel of Obama.

From NewsMax:

A typical phone call monitored by The Media Line went like this:

Gaza: “Hello, how are you? I hope you are fine.”

U.S.: “How may I help you?”

Gaza: “Give me two minutes. I am here, living in the Gaza Strip, in Palestine. As you know, we live here in a miserable situation and we need peace, necessarily. We are a group making the U.S. people to elect Senator Obama. We think he is a man of peace, so please kindly support us by electing Senator Obama.”

Ibrahim acknowledges that 19 out of every 20 calls are met with an immediate hang-up. But in the past seven months the group has placed 120,000 calls, meaning that between 5,000 and 6,000 Americans have listened to the entreaties.

Sources in the Obama campaign told The Media Line that “no such group has been authorized to solicit on behalf of the campaign.”

Remember back please to September 11, 2001.  These were the same people dancing, singing, and passing candy out in the streets to celebrate the Islamic Terrorist attacks against America that killed over 3000 people.  How do you in good conscience vote for a man who is supported by such barbaric bloodthirsty animals?

Now of course, the chosen one has made disclaimers that such activity is unauthorized and not endorsed by him or his campaign, but think about it, to admit that your glad your getting support from a Terrorist organization would be of course, political suicide and despite being the schmuck that Obama is, he is a sly & manipulative politician who knows no boundries to get what he wants.

The friends Barack Obama doesn’t know necessarily, but who are actively campaigning and financing him are even more frightening. Hamas phone bankers are calling into our country to convince American people on a grassroots level to vote Obama.  You would NEVER hear about an Islamic terrorist phone bank for Obama on MSNBC — The MSM refuses to even utter the words “Islamic Terrorist” let alone associate them with their Messiah and Savior Obama.   

Now recently, Syrian Dictator Bashar Assad said that he needs Barack Hussein Obama to win the U.S. elections?  Why do you think that is?  Perhaps it is because he knows that much like Jimmy Carter abandoned our ally Iran to the Islamic Revolution which ushered in the Islamic Terrorism we are so familiar with today, Obama will in all likelyhood abandon our strongest ally Israel and the Jewish state will be left alone to deal with Iran and Syria with no hope of military assistance from the US under a Obama administration.  We are already aware that Obama has friends that launched terrorist attacks on the Pentagon just like Islamic Terror leader, Osama bin Laden.  You can bet your last dollar, that John McCain & Sarah Palin would never allow that to happen!!!

Kippah Tip to Heaven Awaits who prompted me to explore this little known issue a little bit more!

Barack Osama On New York Ballots

This is just too funny.  In a typo on some absentee ballots in New York State, Barack Obama’s name was misspelled, Barack Osama.

From Michelle Malkin:

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama’s last name is spelled “Osama” on hundreds of absentee ballots mailed out this week to voters in Rensselaer County.

The misspelling, which elections officials on both sides of the aisle insist was simply a typo, is causing embarrassment for the county.

”No question this is an honest mistake innocently done,” said Edward McDonough, the Democratic commissioner. ”We catch almost everything.”

”This was a typo,” said Republican Commissioner Larry Bugbee. ”We have three different staff members who proof these things and somehow the typo got by us.”

Officials say the flawed ballots were sent to approximately 300 voters. On row 1A Barack Obama’s name is spelled Barack Osama.

My personal opinion is, “If the turban fits…”

Barack Osama

Barack Osama

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Obama & Ayers But Were Afraid To Ask

The RNC has opened up it’s files on Barack Obama’s relationship with unrepentent terrorist William Ayers and it’s looking pretty cozy between the two and not just a happenstance meeting of the two as falsely claimed by Obama.



The Relationship Between Barack Obama And Bill Ayers Is Much More Extensive Than Obama’s Campaign Is Willing To Admit

Obama’s Top Campaign Staff Have Attempted To Downplay The Relationship Between Obama And Bill Ayers:

Obama Spokesman Robert Gibbs Said That Obama And Ayers Weren’t Close And That Obama Was Only 8 Years Old When Ayers Was Bombing Buildings. Robert Gibbs: “If you read the article … it says these two men weren’t close, this man isn’t involved in our campaign. Bill Ayers is somebody that Barack Obama said his actions were despicable and these happened when Barack Obama was 8 years old.” (FOX News’ “FOX & Friends,” 10/6/08)

Gibbs Has Also Limited The Relationship Between Obama And Ayers To Serving On Two Boards Together. John Roberts:  “Barack Obama knew Bill Ayers and had contact with him between 1995 and 2005. Exactly what was the nature of the relationship?” Robert Gibbs: “Well, John, as The New York Times reported this weekend, they served on two boards together during that time period.” (CNN’s “American Morning,” 10/6/08)

Even Obama Has Previously Referred To Ayers As “A Guy Who Lives In My Neighborhood” And Not Someone He Exchanges Ideas With “On A Regular Basis.” Obama: “George, but this is an example of what I’m talking about. This is a guy who lives in my neighborhood, who’s a professor of English in Chicago who I know and who I have not received some official endorsement from. He’s not somebody who I exchange ideas from on a regular basis. And the notion that somehow as a consequence of me knowing somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago, when I was 8 years old, somehow reflects on me and my values doesn’t make much sense, George.” (Sen. Barack Obama, ABC Democrat Candidates Presidential Debate, Philadelphia, PA, 4/16/08)

I would have to say, that Barack Obama’s story is starting to unravel and his web of deception has been revealed yet again to the deaf ears of the Obamedia who ignore any and all criticism of their savior.

Read the rest below the fold……… Continue reading

Democrats Duck Responsibility Thanks To MSM

The Democrats dominant role in this whole financial boondoggle is being covered up by none other then the Mainstream Media now known as “The Obamedia” for their obvious bias and dedication to their Lord & Savior Barack Obama.

From Michelle Malkin:

On Sunday, October 5th, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch ran a front page article attacking Missouir’s senior Republican senator, titled “Bond’s tough talk on Fannie, Freddie rings hollow to some.” The article was authored by Deirdre Shesgreen, of the Post-Dispatch’s Washington Bureau. (Title’s been changed. Article is here.) The article takes Missouri Republican Senator Christopher “Kit” Bond to task for having a cozy relationship with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

In a hit piece that should not come as much of a surprise to anyone who reads the St. Louis newspaper, the article does allude to possible wrong doing of one Democrat, but focuses their ire on Bond, by stating;

“Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, which oversees the two firms, ranks No. 1, collecting more than $165,000.Bond is No. 8; his campaign committee has taken in more than $95,000 since 1989, the center’s tally shows. Bond said the donations never influenced his decisions.”

The Post-Dispatch didn’t feel it was necessary for its readers to know that the No. 2 recipient of donations was one Senator Barack Obama, who brought in $126,349, or that John Kerry was No. 3, bringing in a total of $111,000.

The weekend Post also carried a Business section column by David Nicklause, on “Economy drowns in seas of excess liquidity and cronyism,” stating that “Republicans, meanwhile, have favorite myths of their own. One is to blame the subprime mortgage crisis on speculators, those greedy folks who flipped Florida condos for profit or took out “liar loans” on houses they knew they couldn’t afford.”

The column continues on a back page, under the heading; “Don’t forget that capitalism is based on greed.”

It would have been nice if they had told us what socialism was based on, as well.

Barack Obama, Barney Frank and their Liberal Friends in Congress have benefited greatly from this whole mess.  Not only have Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac executives lined their pockets with generous amounts of cash, and this whole fiasco is something Obama and his campaign have been praying for.  They are hoping that this crisis will payoff for them politically.  This bailout is a Socialists dream come true and a tanking economy not only gives the image of defeat to our enemies but give hope to them that Obama will win in November.  Execs from these failed companies are advising Obama on his campaign. 

A Democrat accept responsibility for wrong doing?  We’re still waiting for Ted Kennedy to come clean on his vehicular manslaughter of a innocent woman one drunken evening, so I don’t suspect it will happen soon.



Barack Obama’s Bitter Half Michelle Was A Difficult To Manage Employee

Why do I not find it hard to believe that Michelle Obama was a difficult to manage employee that made sure she got what she had coming to her and was not afraid to whine about it.

From Michelle Makin:

“But Michelle could also frustrate her supervisors. Quincy White, the partner who helped recruit Michelle and who headed the marketing group, remembers finding her a challenge to manage. White, who is now retired from the firm, says he gave her the most interesting work he could find, in part because he wanted to see her advance, but also because she seemed perennially dissatisfied.

She was, White recalls, “quite possibly the most ambitious associate that I’ve ever seen.” She wanted significant responsibility right away and was not afraid to object if she wasn’t getting what she felt she deserved, he says.

Michelle Obama felt she was above the normal bump and grind that other young associates had to endure and she felt entitled to more.

From the Sun Times:

Too monotonous for Michelle, who, White says, complained that the work he gave her was unsatisfactory. He says he gave her the Coors beer ads, which he considered one of the more glamorous assignments they had. Even then, he says, “she at one point went over my head and complained [to human resources] that I wasn’t giving her enough interesting stuff, and the person came down to my office and said, ‘Basically she’s complaining that she’s being treated like she’s a second-year associate,’ and we agreed that she was a second-year associate. I had eight or nine other associates, and I couldn’t start treating one of them a lot better.”

White says he talked to Michelle about her expectations, but the problem could not be resolved because the work was what it was. He is not sure any work he had would have satisfied her. “I couldn’t give her something that would meet her sense of ambition to change the world.”

“Not many people went over my head,” says White. It was an unusual move for a young associate to make, and he believes it was consistent with her personality. She “wanted something that pushed her harder {lcub}hellip{rcub} Waiting five to seven years to make partner was a good career move for me but not for [her]. There are too many other opportunities out there {lcub}hellip{rcub} that mature faster than that.”

We already know what card is going to be pulled on this story……

Other Community Organizers

The Definition of “Community Organizer”: Community organizing is a process by which people living in proximity to each other, are brought together to act in their common self-interest. Community organizers act as area-wide coordinators of programs for different agencies in an attempt to meet community needs for various services.

Under that heading, I am reminded of other more notable and infamous community organizers that have attracted attention by writing books, telling people what they wanted to hear, and advocating “Change”.

  1. Adolf Hitler: Democratically elected ruler of Germany and author responsible for the deaths of 6 million Jews and millions of other ethnic Europeans who didn’t fit in Hitler’s vision of “Change” for Germany.  Commited suicide when he realized that his vision for “Change” was lost.
  2. John Gotti: Mafia Boss of the well known Organized Crime Gambino Family.  Extortion, drugs, murder, prostitution, tax evasion were well known activities of the advocate for “Change” among the Italian community.  Died of Cancer in Federal Prison.
  3. Yassar Arafat: The grandfather of modern terrorism who is responsible for the deaths of thousands of Jews.   Advocated “Change” through the use of Suicide Bombers. Much like fellow “Community Organizer” Barack Obama, much is unaccounted for money wise from his days as a “Community Organizer.  Died of Aids in a French Hospital.
  4. Saddam Hussein: Democratically elected deposed President of Iraq.  Another “Community Organizer” who fought for the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people.  Much like Barack Hussein Obama, Saddam liked to silence his opposition through intimidation.  Like Barack Obama, Saddam focused on attaining stability in a nation riddled with profound tensions.  Saddam, it should be noted was responsible for the deaths of over two million people.
  5. Osama bin Laden: You could say that the worlds most famous Islamic Terrorist is a “Community Organizer.  According to Democrat Senator Patty Murray D-WA, “Osama bin Laden has been “out in these countries for decades, building schools, building roads, building infrastructure, building day care facilities, building health care facilities, and the people are extremely grateful.”  His terrorist network helped create the Taliban in Afghanistan and ruled through use of Intimidation and murder as a tool to retain power and obtain goals.

I am reminded of several other “Community Organizers” that are as notable such as the Rev. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton who use Racism as a wealth building tool and intimidation to extort millions of dollars from Corporate America in the name of Racial equality.  Rev. Jim Jones who like Barack Obama was considered a “Messiah” of sorts by his followers who  over a thousand of his disciples ended up following him in a suicide ritual of Cyanide laced kool aid.

Also we should be reminded that Stalin, Castro, Stanley “Tookie” Williams, Al Capone, and Charles Manson under the definition would be considered “Community Organizers.

Hmmmm, makes one sit up and think, doesn’t it?

Barack Obama Says “John McCain Is Absolutely Right”

Team McCain is all over this and earning their money with a rapid response to tonights Debates in which McCain clearly came out on top of Obama despite his slow start.

One can only wonder after listening to the “Chosen One” tonight, if he has any ideas that are of his own design.

According to the Fox News Channel, Barack Obama agreed with McCain 8 times during tonights debate and McCain stated that Barack Obama “Doesn’t Understand” 7 times.

After watching the debate, the question comes to mind.  Is Obama ready to lead?  Nope, but he seems ready to follow McCain!  The Obamessiah proved tonight that their are alot of things in this world that can be fixed, but there isn’t a pill, or a shot that you can take because you cannot cure stupid!

Shalom Biotches!

Barack Obama: A Legend In His Own Mind

The Dark Sith Lord, Darth Hussein Obama

The Dark Sith Lord, Darth Hussein Obama

As a “Community Organizer” he compares himself to the Christian Messiah Jesus Christ and Governor Sarah Palin to Pontious Pilate.  I do see some great similarities though because is looks like Sarah Palin is going to crucify The Obamessiah in this years Presidential Election.

Apparently he has Lied on or as Democrats call it, “Embelished” his resume.

From Sweetness & Light:

Barack Obama Embellishes His Resume

July 9th, 2005

Dan Armstrong

Don’t get me wrong – I’m a big fan of Barack Obama, the Illinois freshman senator and hot young Democratic Party star. But after reading his autobiography, I have to say that Barack engages in some serious exaggeration when he describes a job that he held in the mid-1980s. I know because I sat down the hall from him, in the same department, and worked closely with his boss. I can’t say I was particularly close to Barack – he was reserved and distant towards all of his co-workers – but I was probably as close to him as anyone. I certainly know what he did there, and it bears only a loose resemblance to what he wrote in his book.

Comment from Bill Millar

Time: October 30, 2007, 8:17 am

Cathy Lazere [another commentor] calls Barack self-assured? That’s putting a nice spin on it. I found him arrogant and condescending.

The thing is, I worked next to Barack nearly every day he was at Business International–on many days angling for possession of the best Wang word processing terminal.

I had MANY discussions with Barack.

I can tell you this: even though I was an assistant editor (big doings at this “consulting firm”) and he was, well, he was doing something there, he certainly treated me like something less than an equal.

Funny thing… A journalism/political science major… Writing about finance… Pretending in his book to be an expert on interest rate swaps.

I remember trying to explain the nuance of these instruments to him in the cramped three Wang terminal space we called the bull pen. In contrast to his his liberal arts background, I had a degree in finance and Wall Street experience, so I knew what I was talking about.

But rather than learn from a City College kid, the Ivy Leaguer just sort of rolled his eyes. Condescendingly. I’ll never forget it. God forbid he leave the impression that a mere editor like myself knew more about something than did Barack.

From my viewpoint, Obama has spent most of his adult life avoiding work rather then actually performing any form of work.  He lacks any leadership experience in the legislature.  His legislative record is proof of that by voting “Present” and never really spearheading any groundbreaking peice of legislative work rather simply riding the coat tails of others and absorbing all of the glory.

If Obama were to be (G-d forbid) elected to POTUS, it would simply be a win for Pelosi, Reid, and Kennedy, for they would have a overwhelmed puppet within the Oval Office to do their bidding and sign everysingle peice of crap that they put on his desk.  

The more we learn about Obama and the people who helped prop up this false messiah the more I fear him and his “Change” that he has in store for America.

Barack Obama: “The son of a black man from Kenya and a white man from Kansas…”

This is snort worthy…It almost cost me a very expensive cup of coffee and a keyboard!

See what happens when two gay guys hook up!  Still striving to one up Jesus and the Virgin Mary!

How Obama Lost The Election

Besides his Messianic complex and an ego that goes beyond that of a Rock Star, Barack Hussein Obama seems in all likely hood a cult leader like those before him, Jim Jones and David Koresh an individual who is on the path of self destruction.  One only wonders if his disciples and followers will drink the kool aid or prepare themselves for the mothership awaiting them behind a far a way planet or a remote comet.

From Asia Times Online:

DENVER – Senator Barack Obama’s acceptance speech last week seemed vastly different from the stands of this city’s Invesco Stadium than it did to the 40 million who saw it on television. Melancholy hung like thick smog over the reserved seats where I sat with Democratic Party staffers. The crowd, of course, cheered mechanically at the tag lines, flourished placards, and even rose for the obligatory wave around the stadium. But its mood was sour. The air carried the acrid smell of defeat, and the crowd took shallow breaths. Even the appearance of R&B great Stevie Wonder failed to get the blood pumping.

Obama, in short, is long on brains and short on guts. A Shibboleth of American politics holds that different tactics are required to win the party primaries as opposed to the general election, that is, by pandering to fringe groups with disproportionate influence in the primaries. But Obama did not compromise himself with extreme positions. He did not have to, for younger voters who greeted him with near-religious fervor did not require that he take any position other than his promise to change everything. Obama could have allied with the old guard, through an Obama-Clinton ticket, or he could have rejected the old guard by choosing the closest thing the Democrats had to a Sarah Palin. But fear paralyzed him, and he did neither.

In my February 26 profile, I called Obama “the political equivalent of a sociopath”, without any derogatory intent. A sociopath seeks the empathy of all around him while empathizing with no one. Obama has an almost magical ability to gain the confidence of those around him. Perhaps it was the adaptation of a bright and sensitive young boy who was abandoned by three parents – his Kenyan father Barack Obama Sr, who left his pregnant young bride; his Indonesian stepfather Lolo Soetero; and by his mother, Ann Dunham, who sent 10-year-old Obama to live with her parents while she pursued her career as an anthropologist.

Combine a child’s response to serial abandonment with the perspective of an outsider, and Obama became an alien species against which American politics had no natural defenses. He is a Third World anthropologist profiling Americans, in but not of the American system. No country’s politics depends more openly on friendships than America’s, yet Obama has not a single real friend, for he rose so fast that all his acquaintances become rungs on the ladder of his ascent. One human relationship crowds the others out of his life, his marriage to Michelle, a strong, assertive and very angry woman.

If Novak’s report is accurate, then Michelle’s anger will have lost the election for Obama, as Achilles’ anger nearly killed the Greek cause in the Trojan War. But the responsibility rests not with Michelle, but with Obama. Obama’s failure of nerve at the cusp of his success is consistent with my profile of the candidate, in which I predicted that he would self-destruct. It’s happening faster than I expected. As I wrote last February:

It is conceivable that Barack Obama, if elected, will destroy himself before he destroys the country. Hatred is a toxic diet even for someone with as strong a stomach as Obama … Both Obama and the American public should be very careful of what they wish for. As the horrible example of Obama’s father shows, there is nothing worse for an embittered outsider manipulating the system from within than to achieve his goals.

By all rights, the Democrats should win this election. They will lose, I predict, because of the flawed character of their candidate.

All in all, the American public is just beginning to see the “Real Obama”.  The Leftist Liberal thug, and an empty headed empty suit that makes empty promises with no record to stand on, and who has friendly associations with criminals and terrorists and has been bought and paid for by George Soros. 

Obama promised “CHANGE”.  That change has come to us in the form of a re-energized Republican party and the “HOPE” of the Conservatives that made the GOP great!  Obama thought he was going up a demoralized party that had lost all hope and he was hoping that we would all stay home in November or go the third party route.  He was WRONG!

I’ve always said…It doesn’t matter how much lipstick you put on a pig….It’s still a pig!

Ayers Looking At Ya!

Just in case you’ve been bullied by Obama’s thugs into not seeing this video that he absofreakinglutely doens’t want you to see, I’ve got it right here for ya.

Ayers Looking At Ya Barry!

Shalom Biatches!

Barack Hussein Obama’s Terror Connections

I beleive the saying goes, “Those who live in glass houses should not throw stones”.  Once again the Messiah of the Democratic Party has opened mouth and inserted his own foot by trying to link McCain to convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff,  and McCain’s campaign returned fire unexpectedly and gave the Obamessiah a virtual ass whoopin!

From Doug Ross

“Barack Obama’s ad is ridiculous. Because of John McCain, corruption was exposed and people like Jack Abramoff went to jail.

“However, if Barack Obama wants to have a discussion about truly questionable associations, let’s start with his relationship with the unrepentant terrorist William Ayers, at whose home Obama’s political career was reportedly launched…

…Mr. Ayers was a leader of the Weather Underground, a terrorist group responsible for countless bombings against targets including the U.S. Capitol, the Pentagon and numerous police stations, courthouses and banks. In recent years, Mr. Ayers has stated, ‘I don’t regret setting bombs … I feel we didn’t do enough.’

“The question now is, will Barack Obama immediately call on the University of Illinois to release all of the records they are currently withholding to shed further light on Senator Obama’s relationship with this unrepentant terrorist?” —McCain spokesman Brian Rogers

Michelle Obama Suicide Watch

This is hilarious!


Michelle’s Inferno

The first circle of Hell: suffocating fear
“People are afraid. It’s like fear creates this veil of impossibility, and it is hanging over all of our heads.”

The second circle of Hell: fear plus isolation
“And the problem with fear is that it cuts us off. Fear is the worst enemy. It cuts us off from one another and our own families, and our communities, and it has certainly cut us off from the rest of the world. We don’t know our neighbors. We don’t talk. We believe that our pain is our own – we don’t realize that the struggles and challenges of all of us are the same. We are too isolated.”

The third circle of Hell: spiraling downward
“When you don’t have much, when you know how precious life is, even in the worst state, you are afraid to give up what you have for fear that something different will be worse. But the truth of the matter is things have gotten worse.”

The fourth circle of Hell: fruitless struggle
“And folks are struggling like never before, working harder than ever, believing that their hard work will lead to some reward, some payoff. But what they find is that they get there and the bar has changed, things are different, wasn’t enough. So you have to work even harder.”