The Nuge Speaks: RINO Season Is Now Open

I don’t think there is too much that one can add to words of wisdom from Uncle Ted.  I do have to admit, that I just love how this guy doesn’t pull any punches.  All I can say to this is….”Let’s Roll!”

Like any entity that abandons basic quality control, political parties rot from within. It happened to the Democrats long ago, and now has become the case with the Republican Party, which has strayed from its conservative underpinnings.

There are really only four things I have a strong aversion to: unloaded guns, dull knives, banjos, and Republicans in Name Only (RINOs).

The Nugent family simply doesn’t allow any of those things in our lives.

RINOs are Fedzilla punks who feign support for conservative principles only when it serves their political interest. RINOs are also known for their moderate positions such as supporting tax increases, federal “bailouts”, “comprehensive immigration reform”, advocating more counterproductive gun control that guarantee more innocent victims, opposing the death penalty, and growing and sustaining Fedzilla and all its toxic mongrels by going along with the liberals. RINOs have forgotten President Ronald Maximus Regan’s admonition that government is the problem, not the solution.

RINOs reach across Fedzilla’s aisle to cut deals and build consensus with the liberals. Consensus building means compromising values and cutting deals with the socialist prankster punksters whose goal it is to turn America into EuroAmerica.

Consensus building is for wimps and soulless people who stand for nothing. Compromise is not about being tolerant: these days, it’s about giving up conservative principles.

As the Republican Party begins to retool, rebuild and return to the “less government is best government” conservatism that makes America work, the first thing the GOP needs to do is to lock the RINOs out of the discussion. Heavily armed with an abundance of conservative attitude, my hunting buddies and I will provide security to ensure RINOs are kept downwind from the discussion. If allowed to participate, RINOs will continue to rot the Republican Party from within and diminish it in the eyes of the public. Enough is enough.

John McCain has been a RINO on campaign finance, immigration, global warming and other issues and look what happened to him. He had reached across the aisle so many times to cut deals with the liberals that he had to pick Governor Palin, a true conservative, to try and lure disenfranchised and disgusted conservatives back into the fold. Didn’t work. Senator McCain was the wrong candidate at the right time. RINOs lose elections; 
conservatives win them.

Should President-elect Obama implement his wrong-headed economic policies, our economy will continue to slide into the abyss and America’s debt will continue to soar to unsustainable levels. Conservatives must hold the line at all costs and call out all RINOs who support President-elect Obama’s economic kamikaze plan.

Make no mistake, conservative values and ideologies are embraced by Americans. The polls all indicate Americans are fed up with the Pelosi-led, do nothing congress, and do not support more government programs and control. Sounds to me like we have a conservative revolution brewing. 

Conservative leaders and thinkers such as Newt Gingrich, Jed Babbin, Governor Jindal of Louisiana, Thomas Sowell, Glenn Beck, Michelle Malkin, Governor Sarah Palin and others need to turn up the heat and bring this less government, more individual freedom and strong national defense revolution to a boil. It is time.

My specialty is making Fedzilla punks squirm and turn into a puddle of sweat and drool. Therefore, in the spirit of famous butt kickers Generals Chesty Puller and George Patton, I say we launch an attack on all fronts. Uncle Ted hereby declares it is open season on RINOs. No bag limits or permits required. Conservative ideas, arguments and votes are the weapons we will use. Hunt them down and shine a blazing light on these RINO turncoat cockroaches. Zero in the “we the people” crosshairs of your voting assault weapon and aim for the RINO pumpstation. Double tap center mass. Whack em and stack em, track em and hack em, pack em and give em no slack. Let’s do to the RINO beasts what we did to the passenger pigeon. Force out of the Republican Party out the subspecies known as RINOs. 

We must not make the mistake of keeping the GOP tent so big that there’s room for RINOs. They are in the business of producing conservative defeats. Instead, join me in the new Conservative Revolution. Let’s go out and win another one for the Gipper. 


Election Day Live Blogging

CNN has already declared Obama’s campaign a victory and a landslide at that.  Could they be any more in the tank?

From the Commie News Network:

”DIXVILLE NOTCH, New Hampshire (CNN) — Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama emerged victorious in the first election returns of the 2008 presidential race, winning 15 of 21 votes cast in Dixville Notch, New Hampshire.”

Unconfirmed Reports of fraud and voter intimidation coming in from Philly where I’ve heard rumors that the Black Panthers are holding night sticks are blocking the doors at voting sites in Philly.

From LGF:

Fox News just reported on an incident at a polling station in Philadelphia, where Black Panthers were blocking the entrance (one of them holding a nightstick) and intimidating voters; police were called. According to a witness they were telling people, “A black man is going to win this election no matter what,” and, “White supremacy is over.” One of these Black Panthers is actually an official poll watcher.

When Fox News showed up, the Black Panthers started accusing them of voter intimidation.

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farakkahn and Domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers voted this morning in the same place as the Obamessiah.

Update:  Sorry, work calls.  I couldn’t get away as I had hoped.  We all know how this ended anyways.

I Voted!

I was at the polls this morning at 6:30 AM EST, the lines were already forming.  I must say, this was the most people I’ve seen this early to vote since I cast my first ballot in 1984 when I was 19 yrs old and I broke family tradition and instead of towing the UNION line, I voted for the greatest President in American history…Ronald Reagan!

From what I can see here in West Michigan, it’s going to be a busy day for election voters.

I would like to wish John McCain and Sarah Palin good luck.  You’re both in my prayers today as this country decides what direction it’s going to take.

I will try to throw in some election updates throughout the day if I can break away from work!  I did it, now the rest of you get off your asses and VOTE!

McCain * Palin 2008

McCain * Palin 2008

The Night Before….

I admit it.  I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve.  I feel comfortable in knowing I did my part in this process.  Was it enough?  Only time will tell.  I have prayed hard that not only will John McCain and Sarah Palin be victorious on November 4, 2008, but that America delivers a death blow to the Liberal Democrats and sends a message to them that they can keep their “Change” because we want to keep ours and decide for ourselves how to spend our own hard earned money rather then Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi redistributing our wealth to those who did nothing to earn it.

I’m leaving at 6:30 am for our polls which open at 7 am.  My vote for McCain/Palin will be a thunderous “Fuck You” to the Democrats and by casting my vote, will be a giant middle finger to all Liberals!

Time to go to bed and pray some more.  Good night, and good luck America!

**EXPLOSIVE NEW AUDIO** Obama Promises San Francisco Audience He Will Bankrupt The American Coal Industry!

Obama has some “Hope & Change” in store for the people of Virginia and Pennsylvania and 25 other states that mine coal here in the United States.  He told his elitist friends in San Fransisco that he intends on bankrupting the American Coal industry.  Remember, these are the same people he was speaking to when he referred to the People of Pennsylvania as “Bitter people who cling to their guns and religion”.

The Gospel According to the Obamessiah:


“Let me sort of describe my overall policy.

What I’ve said is that we would put a cap and trade system in place that is as aggressive, if not more aggressive, than anybody else’s out there.

I was the first to call for a 100% auction on the cap and trade system, which means that every unit of carbon or greenhouse gases emitted would be charged to the polluter. That will create a market in which whatever technologies are out there that are being presented, whatever power plants that are being built, that they would have to meet the rigors of that market and the ratcheted down caps that are being placed, imposed every year.

So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it’s just that it will bankrupt them because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.

That will also generate billions of dollars that we can invest in solar, wind, biodiesel and other alternative energy approaches.

The only thing I’ve said with respect to coal, I haven’t been some coal booster. What I have said is that for us to take coal off the table as a ideological matter as opposed to saying if technology allows us to use coal in a clean way, we should pursue it.

So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can.

It’s just that it will bankrupt them.”

Some FACTS about Coal as a source of energy here in the US:


Although 90 percent of the country’s coal reserves are concentrated in 10 states, coal in mined in 27 states and can be found in even more. Montana has the most coal, 25 percent of demonstrated reserves. Wyoming, third among states with the most coal, is first in coal output, accounting for 18 percent of annual production.

U.S. coal reserves contain 12 times as much energy as all the oil in Saudi Arabia! A brief look at some numbers explains why coal is the country’s most abundant and important energy resource.

According to the United States Geological Survey, we have 1.7 trillion tons of identified coal resources — coal for which geological evidence and engineering studies provide reliable information about location, rank, quality, and quantity. (Geologists recognize that more coal deposits are likely to be discovered in the future, so they estimate total coal resources could amount to 4 trillion tons.)

Much of the coal we know about cannot be mined today, because it would be too costly or existing technology doesn’t allow it. It may be too deep, for example, or the quality may not meet current needs. So to be realistic, experts estimate that 472 billion tons of that coal are potentially recoverable. This is called the demonstrated reserve base.

Once again Obama shows as much concern for American Citizens, Industry and Energy Independence as he does for his family.  How many more ways is there to say “We’re so fucked” if this guy get elected?

We need to remember also what Joe “Gaffalot” Biden said about coal plants here in the US:

“No new coal plants here in America”

Don’t believe me, just listen for yourself.  Words straight from the mouth of an ass:

Twas The Night Before The Election

A friend of mine emailed this to me.  He said he got it from the Barking Moonbat Early Warning System.  Enjoy!

‘Twas the night before elections
And all through the town
Tempers were flaring
Emotions all up and down!
I, in my bathrobe
With a cat in my lap
Had cut off the TV
No more political crap.
They had come for my wallet
They wanted my pay
To give to the others
Who had not worked a day!
He snatched up my money
And quick as a wink
Jumped back on his bandwagon
As I gagged from the stink
He then rallied his henchmen
Who were pulling his cart
I could tell they were out
To tear my country apart!
On Fannie, on Freddie,
On Biden and Ayers!
On Acorn, On Pelosi’
He screamed at the pairs!
They took off for his cause
And as he flew out of sight
I heard him laugh at the nation
Who wouldn’t stand up and fight!
So I leave you to think
On this one final note-
If you don’t want socialism,
get your ass out and VOTE!

Aerosmith’s Joe Perry comes out of the closet! He’s A Republican!

Jamie’s Got A Gun, and if Joe Perry has his say, she’ll be able to keep it!  I’ve been a huge fan of Aerosmith for years and Joe Perry is one of the Greatest Guitar Players in the world, ranking right up there with fellow right winger Ted F’n Nugent!

From Michelle Malkin:

Well, whaddya know? Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry is a lifelong Republican who opposes Obama. The Boston Herald reports:

“We pretty much stay out of it, but seeing so many people come out for Obama, I just felt like ‘What the hell, I might as well raise my hand for this side,” Perry said from his Duxbury home.

Aerosmith has generally left the politics to bands like U2 and the Dixie Chicks, but axeman Joe Perry says national security and economic woes have prompted him to split from the rest of the entertainment world and throw his support behind John McCain.

My wife who is a Democrat is going to shit herself over this!  She is an even bigger Aerosmith fan then I am.  Last time we saw Aerosmith it was in 2003 with Kiss.  I bought her the tickets as a Hanukkah present and because I got the tickets so late, we ended up with nose bleed seats at the very top of the Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids Michigan.  But as we all know, Hanukkah is a miraculous holiday.  Two song’s into the opening act, the usher asked us to show her our tickets.  She then takes our $75 nose bleeds and hands us $150 floor tickets and says, “Enjoy”.   It was a great show. 

Now, they need to change the name of the song to “Sarah’s Got A Gun”

Obama Weak On Iran

New McCain Ad

Obama will in all likelyhood, sit down with anyone that hates Israel and give them whatever they want.  It’s what Soros wants, it’s what all of Obama’s closest supporters want and paid for!

Keep the Change bitch!

I Can’t Afford Anymore “Change”

Tonight is the big Obamamercial on tv tonight.  He’s just lucky he did’nt schedule half hour last night and interfere with me watching NCIS.  That would have really pissed me off.  Thank g-d for “On Demand” cable, so while the Obamessiah is selling you his snake oil he calls “Hope & Change”, I’ll be watching something else like “Lethal Weapon 3”  or a CSI rerun.

I got to thinking today, George Bush has been President for almost 8 yrs.  We have not experienced the horror of another attack from Islamofacists since 9/11, and for the first 6 yrs of his Leadership the economy for all general purposes has been good.  We’ve had high levels consumer confidence and gas prices that at an average were around $2.25 a gallon, low unemployment and the stock market was setting records with the Dow Jones average at around 14000.  Americans were spending money on trips and cars.  Then “Change” happend.

In 2006, Americans gave the Democrats the majority in both the House of Reprentatives and the Senate.  What do we have to show for that now?  All that “Change” the Democrats have promised has left us with less change in our pockets.  Home Foreclosures are at a record high, the value of our homes (equity) has fallen, gas was over $4.00 a gallon, the Dow Jones Stock Average took a nose dive, and consumer confidence is now at an all time low.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t think I can afford any more “Change” that the Democrats have in store for us, particularly Barack Obama who wants to take “Change” from those who work and turn it into cash for those who don’t by “Spreading The Wealth”.

Memo to Barack Obama……Keep the change!

7 Reasons McCain Will Win November 4th

I’m not the only one that thinks McCain will pull this off next week and hand the Obamessiah his ass.  Dan Perin lists seven good reasons why McCain will win November 4th.

From Red State:

There are seven serious, historic, demographic and other wise culturally compelling reasons Senator John McCain and Governor Sarah Palin will win the election on November 4, 2008 – a date of defeat that will sear itself into the Democratic Party’s collective consciousness.

The first and foremost reason McCain-Palin will win is the absolute arrogance, elitism, condescending, patronizing and in-your-face voter suppression campaign – don’t vote for McCain, he can not win — being conducted by the national media on Senator Obama’s behalf.

Americans do not like to be told what to do. But the national media has become a feminized, electronic vote-for-Obama nagging machine. There is plenty of precedent for the average American telling those telling them what to do, to go pound sand, especially to those who tell them over, and over, and over again. Just ask the HMOs. Their you-can’t-do-this or you-must-do-only-this business strategy ended with the average American saying NO to joining HMOs.

Essentially, the media have been frolicking in the streets in an orgy of Obama adulation and McCain bashing. Now, they will wonder why anyone would be disgusted by their behavior, or want to knock them back in their place? This is a symptom of their chronic and insular world condition.

The media’s blindness is fueling the anti-media web-networks with oceans of gasoline. This is why the proliferation of lawsuits challenging Obama’s claim of natural born citizenship (the original filed by a life long Democrat who is a former Deputy Attorney General of the State of Pennsylvania) and the beating up of the LA Times about its refusal to release the video of Obama speaking at a pro-Palestinian dinner, are just the tip of the anti-media iceberg the media themselves has created.

In short, the media cannot be fair. The media will not ever, not ever admit they had anything to do with the November 4th backlash. They listen to these criticisms just like an alcoholic listens to concerns, but who insists they can still have a drink. The media have hatred and contempt in their hard hearts for any views that do not meet their pro-Obama criteria. Stand by, national media, for the big smack down.

Here are the six other reasons McCain-Palin will win:

  1. The Gallup poll after Labor Day has historically been a predictor of the winner of the Presidential election. The person leading in that poll wins the Presidency. The Republican convention, pushed onto Labor Day by the Summer Olympics muddied the waters on this historic fact, but the Gallup poll a week later showed McCain ahead of Obama, predicting the McCain victory.
  2. There are six states that since 1972 have voted for the winning Presidential candidate. These are predictor states. They pick winners every time. McCain will win every one of the following six states: Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Ohio and Tennessee.
  3. Elderly and some other Jewish voters were already uncomfortable about voting for Obama, but the recent comments by Farrakhan that when Obama speaks, the Messiah is speaking, or that Obama’s victory will do great things for the Nation of Islam, or the statement by Jesse Jackson that there will be “fundamental change” in America’s foreign policy, especially with regard to Israel – is causing a hemorrhaging of Jewish support.
  4. Women who feel Senator Clinton was treated unfairly by the Democratic Party, by the media and by Senator Obama — who did not even vet Senator Clinton to be his running mate – will remember. This voting block, you will recall, lay in the weeds in the pre-New Hampshire primary polling. The win by Senator Clinton was a shock, undetected by the polling. And these were Democratic Party voters who were undetected – not the other voters Obama will face November 4th. Obama’s youth vote will not post to the polls, they never do. The young think: the media says Obama will win, so why should I vote? But the 40 and 50 and 60 something women voters who voted for Senator Clinton have three alternative plans to make sure they get to the polls, regardless of a hiccup in their work or child care responsibilities. They will vote, and they will vote against Senator Obama.
  5. Today’s unstable world does not bode well for Senator Obama. The instability in the stock market and related job and mortgage fears do not equate with voting for the ING (Inexperienced New Guy.) In an affirmation of Mark Penn’s observation that the strong leader almost always wins the Presidential election, a mid-west hairdresser with no party affiliation told me the country has very serious problems, and that is why she is voting for the strongest leader.
  6. Finally, the reason that the world and the media incorrectly will tag as the reason for McCain’s victory (despite the foregoing six other reasons) will be the Wilder or Bradley effect. Simply put, Asians, Whites and Hispanics have and will lie to pollsters about their intention to vote for Senator Obama. According to the Associated Press, this will cost Obama six points at the polls. The AP estimate could be low. In the case of Bradley and Wilder, the spread between a “lead” in the polls and actual votes cast was in the low double digits.

So, when McCain-Palin wins – credit or blame the media. Their harping and yelping for Senator Obama created massive Obama over-exposure, anger and resentment that will be expressed in the voting booth on November 4th.

Well, I’m off for work.  Someone has to pick up for these slackers that are sitting back waiting for the Obamessiah to start handing out fishes and loaves and turning water into wine.  Someone like me has to pay for that kind of magic to happen.  

Fuck Obama! Now Is Not The Time To Surrender!

I know, you’re looking at the electoral college map and it doesn’t look good.  The media keeps filling our heads with Barack Obama this, and Barack Obama that and telling you he has already won and that the only thing left is for the fat lady to sing.  Bullshit!

Before John McCain came to his senses and chose Sarah Palin as his running mate, the Conservative base of the Republican Party was in a state of depression and demoralized beyond belief, then came Sarah Palin and it was like a life saving breath to a dying person.  All of a sudden, we had hope. 

While Conservatives were feeling hopeful and reenergized, the Liberal Left all of a sudden became fearful once again of Conservatives because of the excitement that Sarah Palin had ignited amongst what the Left had hoped for was a demoralized Conservative Base of the Republican Party. 

The Liberal Left with their Messiah Barack Obama had hoped and prayed for Conservatives to be feeling hopeless and demoralized so that we would simply feel all hope was lost and that we would just stay home on November 4th, 2008.

Damn it all, don’t give them socialist pricks what they’ve been hoping for.  On November 4th, we need to report for our duty as Americans.  Contrary to what those assholes are telling you on CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC and in all those shit paper rags like the NYT, and the LA Times, this election is not over and Obama has not yet won and in no fucking way is he “Entitled” to the Presidency especially from lack of voter turnout by Conservative Americans.

Barack Obama has resorted to Credit Card Fraud, Voter Intimidation, and Election Fraud in order to win this election and his new motto has become, “By Hook Or By Crook”.  He recently stated that he felt a rightous wind at his back, noone bothered to tell him that was a queef from his bride of Obamstein.

On November 4th, I want every single person to get off their asses, put down the video game, put on some carharts or cammo and take your ass to where you need to be to cast that important vote.  It is your sworn duty as a bitter American who clings to his/her guns and your faith.  I will accept nothing less then full compliance. 

Don’t believe the hype!  Don’t believe the propoganda that the Mainstream Hit & Run Media has force fed you all these weeks.  All IS not lost, and will only be lost if you fail to participate in the process.

I stand by my earlier statements.  FUCK BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA!  Barack Hussein Obama and his minyon of morons can kiss my fat hairy ass on election day.  I won’t be staying home.

Crash & Burn: Biden’s NASCAR Talk Hits The Wall In North Carolina

Bitter Americans still clinging to their guns, faith and NASCAR were not so receptive to Joe “Paying More Taxes Is Patriotic” Biden when he spoke to a crowd of NASCAR fans in North Carolina.

From FOX News:

CHARLOTTE, NC — Give Joe Biden credit for trying.

In the heart of NASCAR country, the Delaware Senator’s attempt to speak the lingo fell flat like one of Kyle Busch’s tires.

“We’ve got a big NASCAR track up in my state at Dover Downs. But here in Charlotte you know racing a lot better than anybody in the country. I know that. So I’ll talk a little bit in terms of racing terms,” Biden told the young crowd at the University of North Carolina – Charlotte.

“Right now, our campaigns are trading a little paint. But, uh, what worries me most is the McCain campaign seems to have gotten a little loose.”


“Um, and, uh I can tell you — not a lot of NASCAR fans in here,” Biden said.

That didn’t stop him from keeping the metaphor going. “You know that term getting a little loose on the, you know, when you’re out there going 185 miles an hour, getting a little loose? Well John’s getting a little loose. He doesn’t have much of a steady hand these days.”

“And now, and now’s the time, now’s the time we most need a steady hand.”

The RNC responded with a garbled metaphor of its own. “Joe Biden is being loose with his ‘rhetorical flourishes’ again,” said spokesman Alex Conant. “If the campaigns are ‘trading paint’ as Biden said, let’s remember that Obama struck first and ran the most negative ads.”

“To offer a more accurate NASCAR analogy than Biden did: If Obama wins, he will raise taxes and our economy will go from a yellow to red flag.”

I just love it when Joe “Gaffalot” Biden speaks without a script.  Him and Obama slip up more and more the closer this race becomes.  At this point, I think Joe is “Biden” his time on the track and is simply waiting for the yellow flag to come out.

The humor of a Washington elitist POS trying to talk to mainstream Americans is enormous.  Next I want to see Biden go to the murder capitol, Chicago and speak to some Vice Lords and Black Ganster Disciples and use Ebonics! 

I’m wating for Chairman Obama to throw the Black Flag on Biden “MotorMouth Sports” and disqualify him from running his mouth at future NASCAR events where unfriendly bitter Americans who don’t feel that paying more taxes is patriotic.  I think Biden’s “Lug” nuts have dropped off and Obama’s going to send his dumb ass to the Garage.  Joe Biden is to American Politics, what Buckshot Jones is to NASCAR Racing….A Huge Loser who causes Huge Wrecks!

NASCAR, contrary to the opinion of the Elitist Liberal Left is not the KKK on wheels. They have had a major drive for diversity, and work harder at that than any other sport. NASCAR Fans and Drivers alike are also the most kind hearted, dedicated humanitarians you can possibly find.

Kyle Petty has a camp called Victory Junction in North Carolina that hosts terminally ill children at no cost. While the kids are there all medical bills are taken care of including their prescriptions. Its available to all kids regardless of color, creed, religion or ethnicity. Jeff Gordon raises and contributes millions of dollars a year, he sponsors a hospital wing in NC, and another in MA, for children with cancer.

Kyle Petty and the entire Hendricks teams are the leading crusaders for bone marrow registry and Team Owner Rick Hendrick works tirelessly for the cause of leukemia, and he does NOT ask what your skin color is before he offers to help.

Ryan Newman works on behalf of homeless and abused animals. Every single driver in Nascar works tirelessly to help people in their community. Both Jimmy Johnson and Jeff Gordon also work and raise money for Habitat for Humanity. Jimmy Johnson last year donated his winnings to the people who were burned out of their homes in CA. Kyle Bush did the same thing to help the victims of Katrina.

Joe Biden: Mark My Words, Within 6 Months You’re Fucked!


Please, don't make me hang this sign up on November 5th

Please, don

The Obamessiah’s running mate Joe Biden said it himself.  Maybe not in those words, but I can assure you, that’s what I took out of the statement that within 6 months, something bad is going to happen to test the Messiah….

Now if you were to hear what Joe Biden had to say about Barack Obama and John McCain during the Primary Race, you should come to the conclusion that under Barack Obama, you’re fucked and with President John McCain you’re much safer under a more prepared leader who Joe Biden himself said he would run WITH against the incompetent and unprepared Barack Obama.

Just listen for yourself…….

Even Joe Biden thinks we’re fucked!

Gongressman Barney “Butt Fuck America” Frank is all prepared to cut defense spending 25% while we’re still at war and Obama has promised that he will cut defense spending and increase entitilement programs.  


Even Joe Biden Says In 6 months we are so FUCKED!

Even Joe Biden Says In 6 months we are so FUCKED!

The Nuge Says “Fuck You”

The guy from Michigan shares the same charm and proficiency in the use of the Four Letter Vocabulary as I do, except he’s a better guitar player and more famous then I am…Ted F’n Nugent!

From the Village Voice:

“I can’t wait to hear how you translate this in theVillage Voice, cause them motherfuckers need this.”

Over the course of a 40 minute phone conversation rock legend and conservative firebrand Ted Nugent discussed his new book, Ted, White and Blue: The Nugent Manifesto, his charity work, the state of the presidential race, gun control and even Mayor Bloomberg’s attempt to change the term limit laws. Nugent is planning two new books, including a tell-all on his rock lifestyle slated for 2010.

“I’m a pretty exciting young man, at the tender age of 60,” said Nugent, adding that the perfect response to almost any situation is a big “fuck you.” Here are some highlights.

VV: Since I know you’re such a big fan of Mike Bloomberg’s, you might be interested to know that he’s currently leading an effort to have our term limit laws, which were passed by voter referendum, overturned through legislation so that he can run for a third term.

TN: Well, you know what they always say, John, “Fuck those voters!” Good one there, Mikey. By all means, fuck the voters! What the fuck! Welcome to Planet of the Fucking Apes. Hey Mikey, eat me. That guy’s a punk.

Barack, fuck you. Joe, fuck you. John McCain, God bless you for discovering a Republican with massive amounts of balls. The good governor, Sarah Palin, is the bureaucrat-crushing, status quo-punching conservative that I’ve been looking for. I knew of her before John did, I had worked with Gov. Palin on numerous issues up in Alaska, where she proved she was a “we the people” person and not a bureaucrat monger. We are voting Republican this year, not because of John McCain as much as for Sarah Palin.

VV: So tell me a little about why you put the book together?

TN: Well, I woke up one morning, as I do every morning, for the last 60 years. My middle finger was on fire. I roasted adequate amounts of marshmallows upon said flames and I thought I would share it with my fellow civilians. I’m a live motherfucker, man. I actually participate in this experiment in self-government. I think guitar players qualify as “we the fucking people.” Quality of life is my demand, quality of life is certainly my modus operandi. I just had the greatest tour of my life. I have saluted way too many flag-draped coffins to take this lightly, to take anything for granted. I am privileged, honored and humbled to share campfires, both literally and figuratively, with the most courageous warriors in the history of humankind of the U.S. military who have willingly and voluntarily sacrificed their limbs and their eyes and their skin, many of them their lives, to chase down terror and to chase down evil and confront it and neutralize it at great cost.

And when you spend time with this level of humanity, this supreme dynamic of humanity, you are hopelessly humbled to give back. The “Ted, White and Blue” Nugent manifesto was not a project, my music is not a project, I don’t promote current projects. I have no current projects, my projects began on December 13, 1948. And this precious gift of life that I lovingly refer to as the “runaway freight train,” demands on an intellectual and spiritual level that I fight hard for the things I believe in as voiced and corroborated by people vastly superior to me, who fortify my conviction to do so. This is merely my written manifesto of how I live my daily life. I put my heart and soul into being the best that I can be, I am irrefutably and conclusively in the asset column at the end of every day of my life. I’m not for myself, I’m for my family, and my neighborhood and this country and mankind and the good mother earth. Those that would argue with that are either stoned or so recently stoned their logic is all but gone.

And this is a documentation of not just the Nugent family lifestyle, but of people I have had tons of communication with. Seventy-one concerts in 71 cities in 82 days this summer, and I’m a gregarious chap, so I hang out and bullshit. You’ve got people from every imaginable walk of life, and they all live like I live, in variations thereof. But it all includes an alarm clock, it all includes an insatiable craving and drive to be the best that they can be, to earn the playing card with massive amounts of working hard, and to just do the right damn thing. And don’t ask for anyone to give ‘em shit, but rather demand of themselves to produce to their maximum capability and give and give and give and give and give. I thought it was time to shine the spotlight on the outrageously wonderful, positive good in America while also spotlighting the cockroaches and the bad and the ugly, so that those that care about eliminating the bad and the ugly can join me in my stomping as the cockroaches run for cover and we squish them between the cleats of our hunting boots.

VV: The book does have a very “take care of yourself,” libertarian feel to it.

TN: That has to be qualified. I would literally alter my pursuit of happiness if I saw that it compromised yours. And I mean that. Let’s say I just love to shit in the river. That’s my pursuit of happiness. I’ve got a less than desirable pursuit of happiness. I would make sure that I didn’t shit upstream of you. You know what I mean. I can’t pursue that pursuit of happiness because it would fuck up yours if you’re downstream. It’s about cause and effect. It’s about being cognizant of your cause and effect and altering it so that, not only don’t we want anyone to tread on us, we review our treading to make sure we’re not treading on anyone else. So, yeah, libertarian, but with a sense of consciousness. I don’t want my pursuit of happiness to fuck yours.

I think that’s even beyond libertarian. Like Ron Paul, for Gods sake. So, you don’t think that we have to go after terror? You think we just need to secure the Pacific Ocean, Canadian, Mexican and Atlantic borders, that’s it? You don’t think we have to go chase down assholes? I think you’re wrong, Ron. Next.

VV: What do you think if the different bailout packages that we’ve had in the last few weeks?

TN: I don’t think anything, but I know that it’s criminal and abysmal and phenomenally counterproductive. The very concept of a bailout, as a rule, is to encourage irresponsible behavior because someone might be there to bail you out. I’m no economist, I mean I write about this in my book and I talk about it whenever I can, I’m a pretty simple guy. I’m cognizant of my income, and I’m cognizant of my expenses, and when I was selling night crawlers for a living I didn’t spend outside of my means, I didn’t live outside my means. When I was selling a couple thousand albums a year I didn’t live beyond my means. I’ve never, and never will, live beyond my means. I only purchase a home and a vehicle with credit. I can’t imagine using a credit card to the degree that I can’t pay it off the minute it became due. I can’t even conceive of that mindset.

Yet Uncle Sam is like a stoned, dirty, stinkin’ hippie with a credit card. It’s gluttonous, it’s slovenly, it’s indulgent. For anybody to bail anybody out is wrong. It’s counterproductive and disgusting. When Fedzilla is going to bail people out with my fuckin’ money, you might think he would have consulted with me first. It’s just bizarre. It’s beyond Planet of the Apes.

VV: You talk in the book about raising kids, and say that kids today are not being raised in a real world atmosphere…

TN: Yeah, it’s abysmal. It’s the abandonment of self-evident truth, common sense based parenting. Just the blubber factor alone is beyond the pail I puke in. At what point do you dry Johnny off from the bathtub, where you actually have to insert the towel between slabs? And then allow Johnny to continue on Tuesday the system by which the slabs were created on Monday? What the fuck is going on here? That pandemic of obesity and rotund, sperm whale-like children, is really a manifestation of an overall culture of depravation. If you can’t monitor, in a responsible and disciplined fashion, the nutritional diet of your children, I contend you can’t manage anything. Not only about your children, but about your life. Who, and at what time, determined that blubber on a human being was OK?

And I need to clarify this. You’re on the phone with a guy who lives to eat. I could eat the whole fucking moose. I love to eat. It would be nothing to eat a mountain of fucking food the way I cook everyday. But I’m a disciplined man. I’m 60 years old, and I’ve gained about 20 pounds since I graduated from high school, mostly muscle, by the way. But I want to remain reasonable svelte and athletic. So that’s an incredible discipline on my part. Cause I could eat ten times what I feed myself.

Who could be in the same house with some of these children and look at their faces, that resemble the asses of hippos, and not intervene. I am stunned at the disconnect. And the way they slouch. There’s no posture. It’s not universal, but it’s way out of control.

It all points to an increasing abandonment of discipline and awareness. There’s still mass quantities of good in my travels and in my relationships and my connections. There’s incredible amounts of heartwarming, optimistic good. But there’s a painful increase in the bad and the ugly. And it’s all self-inflicted. Poverty doesn’t have anything to do with hygiene. Poverty doesn’t have anything to do, well maybe it does have something to do with your bad breath. If you’re poor, how the fuck do you rationalize buying cigarettes? You know what I mean? I just come from a different planet where you think, and you know the stuff on the bad list. I bet you got the same bad list I do. I bet drinking and driving is on your bad list. I bet eating massive quantities of Pop-Tarts is probably on the bad list. I don’t occasionally visit the bad list. I avoid it like the fucking plague.

So when I see the Obamas of the world literally rewarding irresponsible and deadly behavior, and blowtorching more of our tax dollars. If you really study what Obama and Biden claim are the poverty level, how about this… fuck you. How about double fuck you. I do federal raids with federal marshals and the Texas rangers, and we kick down the doors of these fuckin’ mongrels. And they’re under the poverty level. But they’ve all got meth, they’ve all got crack, they all got whiskey, they all got a Monte Carlo with new fuckin’ wheels on it. And there’s the kid, living in the shit of their Rottweiler. How dare they buy a Rottweiler if you can’t buy pajamas for your fuckin’ kid? But they’re at the poverty level. They need help. Fuck you.

VV: How do you think the presidential race is shaping up?

TN: It’s pretty ugly. I can’t wait to hear how you translate this in the Village Voice, cause them motherfuckers need this. By the way, I am the fuckin’ village voice. Fuck you! Here’s the village voice, (screams) fuck you! That’s the voice of the village I come from, motherfucker.

Is that what that is, the presidential race? I thought it was the fuckin’ gong show. If it wasn’t for Sarah Palin, I’d move to fuckin’ Sweden. It’s pretty pathetic. I don’t think you can be “pretty pathetic.” It’s mighty pathetic. Barack Obama, I guess if you want to be Mao Tse Tung I suppose you can be. I just don’t think you should be the president of America. Call me weird. If you really study the Communist Party of America, if you go to their website and check out their bullet points, it is the Democrat Party bullet points. It is Barack Obama. And if I’m not mistaken…didn’t the wall come down? My family thought that communism had proven wrongheaded. Am I out of line here? Did I miss the reintroduction of communism and how it benefitted society? Maybe that chapter evaded me. Remember a minute ago, when I said “fuck you?” You might want to play that over the loudspeaker system wherever you go.


Joe the Plumber On Obama’s Plan For Redistribution of Wealth

This average middle American is going to drive the Obamabot into a feeding frenzy!  This plumber dared step out of goosestep with the Obamedia and made Puppetmaster George Soros’ political puppet look like a schmuck on national tv and now the videos are going viral!

From Michelle Malkin:

ARLINGTON, VA — Today, McCain-Palin 2008 released its latest web ad, entitled “Joe the Plumber.” The ad highlights Barack Obama’s plans to increase taxes on Americans, even as they seek to build their own small businesses and create jobs. While Barack Obama talks about cutting taxes, his plan is really just a plan to “spread the wealth around” instead of creating new wealth and new opportunity.

And for a bonus, Joe The Plumber talks to the media about Obama’s plan for Iraq and Social Security.  G-d bless those who cling to their faith and their guns!

The mainstream media is going to go out of it’s way to destroy and crush this guy for making their messiah look like a fool.  It just proves that you take away all the lights, the teleprompters and the scripted talking points and what have you got left?  A lipstick wearing schmuck with egg on his face!


Also, k/t to Jawa Report

Sarah Palin Shoves An ACORN Up Obama’s Tuchas

Sarah Palin, G-d bless her is taking on the Obamessiah and appears to be pounding not sand, but ACORN(s) up Obama’s ass.

From Michelle Malkin:

Palin Rips Obama Over ACORN in Maine

By Juliet Eilperin
BANGOR, Me. — Speaking before a crowd of a few thousand supporters in an airport hangar, GOP vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin continued to question Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama’s patriotism and commitment to fair elections.

Palin largely stuck to her stump speech during her appearance here in the conservative-leaning Second District of Maine, whose single electoral vote the McCain campaign is hoping to secure. But she also attacked Obama for his ties to ACORN with new intensity, saying, “In this election, it’s a choice between a candidate who won’t disavow a group committing voter fraud, and a leader who won’t tolerate voter fraud.”

The Alaska governor — who said that, when it comes to the GOP ticket, “We believe that America is not the problem, America is the solution” — said Obama has shown no desire for victory despite the fact that he spoke so frequently about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

“It sure would be nice if, just once, Barack Obama said he wants America to win,” she said, as the crowd cheered.

“We are always proud to be Americans, and we don’t apologize for being Americans,” Palin added later.

Obama lied about his association with ACORN and Ayers last night.  He won’t even speak about the Fraud that is occuring in his name for the purpose of stealing the election.  He hemmed and hawed his way out of every corner that McCain backed him into. 

Although John McCain performed well in last nights debate, he actually strapped em on, Palin is still doing what a VP is suppose to do…The President’s Attack Dog….Go Sarah!



Obama Voters Support Sarah Palin As His VP

This audio from the Howard Stern Show, speaks volumes as to why Black Voters are voting for Obama.  

A man on the street took McCain’s views and policies and attributed them to Obama and asked some of Obama’s supporters questions.  One of which was if they supported Obama’s choice of Sarah Palin for VP…You’ll be amazed!

Kippah tip to No Quarter