Draw Muhammad Day

I know I have’nt posted in like forever.  The job is killing me…Someone has to work and pay for all this “Hope & Change”.   Anyway, here is my submission that I did in MS Paintshop……

"Allahu Fubar Mother Fuckers"

CBS Confirms That Obama Is Unprecedented Failure

Unprecedented Failure of Epic Proportions

The numbers are in folks and even the Koolaid Slurpers at CBS are confirming it….Barack Hussein Obama as President of the United States is a unprecedented and epic failure!

From CBS:

The Economy

F: 70.22%

Foreign Policy

F: 61.66%

Health Care

F: 81.49%


F: 31.32%


F: 35.72%

Threat of Terrorism

F: 65.35%

Energy and the Environment

F: 59.00%

Social Issues

F: 57.46%


F: 80.65%

Obama’s Overall Job as President

F: 63.22%

Surrounded by corrupt and incompetant people who are advising him. He may be a brilliant speaker with a teleprompter but is a stuttering idiot when speaking off the cuff.   The man does not have the ability or experience to govern.

I have witnessed Presidents come and go in my 44 yrs  and he is by far the worst I have seen, worse then Carter and I remember what a cowardly schmuck he was. 

He is allowing assholes like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi to govern our country while he runs around the world making a mockery of the United States bowing, apologizing and making himself and America look weak.  He is out of touch with the Majority of Citizens in this country and has no respect for our Nation, it’s beliefs and our Flag.

Attempted Poisoning Of US Troops By Five Muslim Soldiers are being Questioned at Fort Jackson in South Carolina

The enemy within is striking at our brave men and women of the US Military.  First we have Army Major Hassan shooting 13 people at Ft Hood, now this shit….

From CBN News:

CBN News has learned exclusively that five Muslim soldiers at Fort Jackson in South Carolina were questioned just before Christmas. It is unclear whether the men are still in custody. The five were part of the Arabic Translation program at the base.

Patrick Jones, the Deputy Public Affairs Officer for Fort Jackson, confirmed for CBN News Thursday afternoon that an investigation was ongoing.

Prior to this posting, CBN News learned that these details were also confirmed by a government official with knowledge of the investigation.

The men are suspected of trying to poison the food supply at Fort Jackson.

A source with intimate knowledge of the investigation, which is ongoing, told CBN News investigators suspect the “Fort Jackson Five” may have been in contact with the group of five Washington, D.C., area Muslims that traveled to Pakistan to wage jihad against U.S. troops in December. That group was arrested by Pakistani authorities, also just before Christmas.

Coming as it does on the heels of November’s Fort Hood jihadist massacre, this news could have major implications..

Are we starting to see a theme here yet?  These five people suspected of poisoning US Troops are not Christian, Jewish or Catholic….

Keep walking folks, nothing to see here……(sarc)

Former Muslim Terrorst Says “Not Worth Dying For Allah”

A former Muslim Terrorist who converted to Christianity comes forward to reveal that it’s not worth dying for Allah…

From Counter Jihad:

The young Arab was an Allah’s warrior against the US troops in Iraq, before he converted into Christianity and fled to Switzerland. He warns other Muslims not to murder in the name of Islam.

The ex-Muslim who calls himself Sultan should stay quiet, because that would be safer for him and he would not have to fear for his life. But he decided to speak out, and now he is sitting in a cafe in Zurich telling his story.

He is a young Arab with a thick black hair, brow eyes continuously observing his surrounding, a feature that made him a good Muslim terrorist.

Sultan’s story began ten years ago for a fight for his homeland in the Middle East, where the US was fighting the Muslim terror organization. It is a story resembling many young Muslim terrorists, who all wanted to enter the paradise and the receive 72 virgins.

And, it is a story of radical change.

When Sultan met his friends, members of the Islamic Brotherhood, he was a 16-year-old Muslim from traditional family, and not terribly religious. The Muslim boy enjoyed the cohesion is the Muslim group, its ideas and the radical Muslim rhetoric.

Good Muslims are intended to kill infidels as the Koran says; that is the only way to paradise and the 72 virgins.

Click on the above link to read the entire story.  If only more like him spoke out against the Religion of Blown To Pieces….

You Might Be Taliban If….

The Canadian troops in Afghanistan proved they have retained their sense of humor by creating this:
 1. You grow heroin for a living, but you have a moral objection to  beer.
 2. You own a $3,000 machine gun and $5,000 rocket launcher, but you  can’t afford shoes.
 3. You have more wives than teeth.
 4. You wipe your butt with your bare hand, but consider bacon “unclean.”
 5. You think vests come in two styles: bullet-proof and suicide.
 6. You can’t think of anyone you haven’t declared Jihad against.
 7. You consider television dangerous, but routinely carry explosives in your clothing..
 8. You were amazed to discover that cell phones have uses other than setting off roadside bombs.
 9. You have nothing against women and think every man should own at least one.
 10. You’ve always had a crush on your neighbor’s goat.

Fatwa To Follow....

A Toast To The Iranian Goat Fucker Ahamadinejad On The Anniversary Of The Islamic Revolution

Recently, the Iranian Midget Ahamadinejad has been ramping up again on his threats against the United States and Israel.

From The Washington Times:

The Iranian government on Monday stepped up military threats in advance of an anniversary celebration as major powers continued talks on a new round of sanctions.

Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said in Tehran that his country would stun the Western world on Thursday, the 31st anniversary of Iran’s Islamic revolution. Iran’s defense minister announced on Monday that its forces had conducted successful tests on new armed unmanned aircraft and advanced air defenses.

“The Iranian nation, with its unity and God’s grace, will punch the arrogance [Western powers] on the 22nd of Bahman [Feb. 11] in a way that will leave them stunned,” Ayatollah Khamenei was quoted as saying by Agence France-Presse.

Well, I can’t just let that rest so I pulled up an old post when I combined a couple of poems I had found online and doctored up the words a bit just to fit that Goat Fucking peice of shit from Iran and would like to offer it to the Islamic Regime of Iran on the day they celebrate Jimmy Carter’s surrender to them and their Islamic Revolution.

Here’s what I think of your threats you little prick….

Here’s to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that towelheaded scum, may the US blast his ass to kingdom come. 

He’s a bagless wonder that lives in a cave, may U.S. Marines piss Jack Daniels on that cocksucker’s grave.

Mahmoud being a chickenshit faggot lives off camel turds with a topping of maggot, Ahmadinejad doesn’t think we have the guts to come and blow off his islamic nuts!

We will eat all his hummus and drink all his tea, and screw every princess in Tehran.  

We’ll cut off his balls and split his bag, then wipe our asses on his Iranian flag. We will walk in his palace and shit on his floor, and hang Old Glory right over his door. 

 We’ll nuke his cities and shit on the streets, and piss on every Iranian Shiite we meet. We will darken his honor and shorten his joy, and show him the spirit of this American Jew boy.

From the Land of the Free and the home of hte brave, we will march into Teharan and shit on his grave.

But now America is all done with his crap, so let’s just nuke the fuckers right off of the map.

So here’s to Mahmoud that son-of-a-bitch, may his pecker fall off with the seven year itch. May they beat on his balls with a big brass hammer, till his asshole starts whistling The Star-Spangled Banner.

Poem Courtesy of John Valby with some doctoring up by yours truly!

What Do Osama bin Laden and Barack Hussein Obama Have In Common?

Osama bin Laden has finally endorsed the Democrats Agenda on Global Warming.  Rumor has it that Obama is thrilled that the Islamic Terror leader and him have more in common then their hatred of America.

"Tomorrow afternoon for sure! Can't you see I'm hanging out with my friends? I'll see if I can fit the nation in tomorrow!"

Osama & Obama In Copenhagen Together

From the Kansas City Star:

The al Qaida chief and man behind 9/11 is now chastising the industrialized nations of the world for being poor stewards of the land.

“Speaking about climate change is not a matter of intellectual luxury — the phenomenon is an actual fact,” he allegedly said in a the tape the al-Jazeera television network (the tape has not been authenticated). “All of the industrialized countries, especially the big ones, bear responsibility for the global warming crisis.”

In fact, he gets all green in the tape, his first attack on CO2 emmissions.

“George Bush Junior, preceded by Congress, dismissed the agreement to placate giant corporations. And they are themselves standing behind speculation, monopoly and soaring living costs.

“They are also behind ‘globalisation and its tragic implications’. And whenever the perpetrators are found guilty, the heads of state rush to rescue them using public money.”

So, now he’s against corporate greed, as well, apparently. Clearly, he sees terrorist attacks on everyday folks as a way to help lower their living costs. And, well, I think we were all awaiting his take on market speculation.


What Do American Nazis & The Taliban Have In Common? Both Groups Are Cum Guzzeling Pillow Biters!

No wonder Barney Frank  hearts the Islamic dominating Taliban….Turns out, they are all a bunch of ass jockeys.

Teh Ghey

From Fox News:

An unclassified study from a military research unit in southern Afghanistan details how homosexual behavior is unusually common among men in the large ethnic group known as Pashtuns — though they seem to be in complete denial about it. 

The study, obtained by Fox News, found that Pashtun men commonly have sex with other men, admire other men physically, have sexual relationships with boys and shun women both socially and sexually — yet they completely reject the label of “homosexual.” The research was conducted as part of a longstanding effort to better understand Afghan culture and improve Western interaction with the local people. 

The research unit, which was attached to a Marine battalion in southern Afghanistan, acknowledged that the behavior of some Afghan men has left Western forces “frequently confused.” 

In one instance, a group of local male interpreters had contracted gonorrhea anally but refused to believe they could have contracted it sexually — “because they were not homosexuals.” 

Apparently, according to the report, Pashtun men interpret the Islamic prohibition on homosexuality to mean they cannot “love” another man — but that doesn’t mean they can’t use men for “sexual gratification.” 

The group of interpreters who had contracted gonorrhea joked in the camp that they actually got the disease by “mixing green and black tea.” But since they refused to heed the medics’ warnings, many of them re-contracted the disease after receiving treatment. 

The U.S. army medic also told members of the research unit that she and her colleagues had to explain to a local man how to get his wife pregnant. 

The report said: “When it was explained to him what was necessary, he reacted with disgust and asked, ‘How could one feel desire to be with a woman, who God has made unclean, when one could be with a man, who is clean? Surely this must be wrong.’

I must add that I am not really surprised by this report.  I’ve had a hunch all along that the Islamonazi regime of the Taliban had more then just Joooo hatred in common with the American Nazis, particularly the Intertube trolls that slither around my blog from that Ass Monkey Incogman’s site.

Hopefully these groups of will breed themselves out of existence!

Baby Sheep Born With Face Of Cartoon Like Prophet Muhammad

It’s a miracle…..Allahu Akbar…..lol  Jihadi Fucks Sheep, Hilarity Ensues!

With all of the Goat and sheep fucking going on in the Muslim countries, have you ever wondered what would happen if a sheep was impregnated by a horny jihadist?

From The Sidney Morning Hearald:

A sheep in Turkey has reportedly given birth to a lamb with a human-like face.

Vet Erhan Elibol performed a caesarean section to deliver the calf near the city of Izmir and was horrified to find it looked like a human, Russian and Turkish news sites said.

“I’ve seen mutations with cows and sheep before. I’ve seen a one-eyed calf, a two-headed calf, a five-legged calf,” the 29-year-old vet was quoted as saying in Russian newspaper website  Pravda.

“But when I saw this youngster I could not believe my eyes.”

Photos purportedly of the lamb, which was stillborn, show human-like eyes, nose and mouth.

Vets said the calf’s mutation was most likely the result of an excess of vitamin A in the mother’s fodder.

Pravda reported that a goat in Zimbabwe gave birth to a similar human-like calf last September. But villagers killed it, believing it was the result of intercourse between the mother goat and a man.

They make their women cover their faces and hide them indoors while they take to the fields and barns to schtupp an available sheep or goat.  The fact that it was born in a largely Muslim nation just makes it that much more hilarious.

Instant Replay: The Complete Idiots Guide To Flying While Muslim

I first posted this 11/19/2007 but given the recent events of Muslims wanting to splode themselves on Passenger Planes, I feel we need to revisit these simple easy to follow rules.

The Following is a Public Service Announcement!!!

Because of all the fuss being made about the upcoming holiday travel season, I thought it would be a good idea to revive and revisit a post I did last year after the whole “Flying Imam” Scandal. I believe my experience with the Airport Dog and Pony show known as the TSA makes me sort of an expert on the subject.

Thanks to the fact that over 100 million Muslims who would like to see the destruction of Western Civilization, Jews, and the Jewish State of Israel, a long forgotten form of intelligence has gone the way of the dinasours. Common Sense!

Measurement of Idiocy

It’s not the fault of civilized Americans, Christians, and Jews that people of Middle Eastern decent are looked upon with suspicion when they are traversing through Airports in both America and abroad. 19 Islamic men who were shouting “Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar!” as they flew 4 planes into buildings killing thousands of innocent people are at fault for the sentiments and suspicions shared by millions of freedom loving Americans, Europeans, Asians, and even fellow Arabs.

I am completely guilty of feeling suspicious of every Muslim and Middle Eastern person I come across. I was recently at a Interfaith Service and never once did I take my eyes off the Islamic Representatives that were at the service.

Now, let’s glance back to last year and the Flying Imams:

Most recently as we all know, 6 men. Six Islamic Men. Six Islamic Men who are Clerics were removed from a plane for being muslim, but, they were purposely mimicking behaviors and actions that the 19 Islamic Terrorists on Sept. 11, 2001 when they CHOSE declare war upon Americans by using 4 commercial passenger jets as guided missiles.

I have developed a “How To” guide to assist true “Peace Loving” Muslims when traveling during the upcoming Holiday Season.

1. It’s completely ok to pray when flying or in an airport. I have done it every time I fly. If you chose to pray out loud, even loud enough to call attention to yourself and your group then that’s on you.

2. The Phrase, “Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar” in this country is the “BONZAI” call of the 21st century and is the same as pulling a gun out as far as I’m concerned. Islamic Terrorists have used this phrase before exploding suicide bomb vests strapped to themselves. Islamic Terrorists have used it before beheading Jews and Christians in Afghanistan, Iraq, and even the Philippines. Don’t Say It! Don’t Use It! It’s a call to war and if you are treated like a red headed stepchild for saying it, then you deserved it!

3. When you get on the plane. Sit Your A$$ the F#*k Down and Stay In Your Seat! If your Islamic or Muslim or Middle Eastern, Don’t be switching seats and moving all over the place. Find a seat and sit the f*#k down! You will raise suspicion and you risk getting your a$$es kicked by freedom loving people who don’t desire to blow up, crash or meet some cartoon like Prophet and 72 virgins.

4. If you have a one way ticket and security wants to check your stuff…Live with it! The rest of us have to and so should you.

5. If you don’t need the seat belt extender, then don’t request it! In the wrong hands, it can be used as a weapon. If you wear a size 6 burkka then don’t ask for the seatbelt extender. It raises eyebrows and makes normal freedom loving people think to themselves….”WTF?!?!?”

Remember My Muslim Friends and enemies. It was your silence and your joy at the 9/11 attacks that have brought this upon you. And Let’s not forget your fellow Kool Aid drinkers Osama bin Laden, Ahmadinejad, Zarquawi, and millions of other Islamic Fundamentalists who want to destroy America, Israel, and Civilized Europe. We the people are watching you even if our government has decided to give you a free pass out of their own stupidity and lack of self preservation.

The Management and Supervisors of the Transportation Security Administration and the Dept Of Homeland Security are only interested in the preservation of their high paying jobs and have absofreakinglutely not interest in securing the homeland. The only homeland they are keeping secured is with their heads up their own and each others asses protecting themselves and their fat paychecks.

If for any reason you decide to ignore this advice, then you do so at your own risk of having your a$$ royally kicked in by average everyday citizens who have no desire to crash or be blown up in your silly desire to meet the Cartoon like Prophet Muhammad and meet your so called 72 virgins…Besides, Virgins are highly over rated and usually require lots of attention and are quite ignorant in the bedroom.

Unfortunately the Islamic Terrorists have friends within our own government who wish to assist them with their agenda of Murder, Destruction and World Domination. Pelosi, Dingle, Conyers, Ellison, and even President Bush are ignoring what REALLY is happening and have forced innocent citizens into having to make decisions that could possibly save thousands of lives. If any Muslims have a problem with this, then you need to talk to your stupid friends who started all this!

I hope you find this all useful in your travels during OUR Holiday season. You and your friends at the American Criminal Liberties Union and CAIR have not yet eliminated our traditional holidays and the joy they bring.

Idiots Guide To Flying Muslim

If anyone else has some suggestions for this helpful guide, please feel free to email me at roguejew65@sbcglobal.net I will be happy to add to this guide any helpful suggestions to help our Islamic and Muslim Friends have a more comfortable traveling experience!

Can We Talk?

Apparently the Bumbling boobs of the  Transportation InSecurity Administration feel that funny lady Joan Rivers is a security threat.

Rivers was removed from a  Newark-bound flight in Costa Rica on Sunday by a jittery Continental Airlines gate agent.

Joan Rivers: National Security Threat

From Michelle Malkin:

Joan Rivers is many things: Funny lady. Jewelry mogul. Red carpet mercenary. But a terrorist?

Can we talk?

Rivers, 76, was deemed a danger to national security and booted from a Newark-bound flight in Costa Rica on Sunday by a jittery Continental Airlines gate agent who found the two names on her passport fishy.

Her passport reads: Joan Rosenberg AKA Joan Rivers. Rosenberg was her late husband’s last name.

The “nasty and cruel” Continental gate agent bumped Rivers from the last flight out Sunday and the comedian found herself alone (her daughter, Melissa, flew out to Los Angeles earlier in the day) and with no ATM card and just $100 cash, she said.

Rivers’ tale of woe put a famous face on travel’s new reality – one that leaves many feeling like common criminals.

“If I were going to make up an alias, I wouldn’t pick Rosenberg. I’d pick Jolie or Pitt,” said Rivers, back home Monday in New York with her sense of humor intact. “Do terrorists wear Manolo Blahniks? I can tell you Donna Karan does not make anything that hides a bomb,” she said.

Am I surprised by this?  Absolutely not. Remember, I use to work for this Three Ring Dog and Pony show called Airport Security aka (TSA).  They could literally screw up a wet dream and couldn’t find a bomb if it was was strapped to their ass.

Obama Waits Three Days To Comment On Islamic Terror Attack On United States

The President decided that it would cut into his busy vacation time of golfing, basketball and eating to comment on the attempted Islamic Terrorist attack in Detroit Michigan on Christmas day.

Christmas Day, 12/25/09 1832 hrs EST: “Mr. President, any comments about the terrorist attack on Christmas day?”

" Uh, er...Um....To busy right now...try me later"

Saturday 12/26/2009 11:20am “Mr. President, how bout now…any comments on the attempt to bomb an United States commercial Jet bound for Detroit, Michigan?”

"Busy eating my waffles right now...maybe later, ok?!?"

Sunday 12/27/2009 12:15 pm: “Uh, Mr President. It’s been two days since the attempted bombing of a NorthWest Flight from Europe to Detroit Michigan, any thoughts?”

"Can't you see I'm playing Basketball right now? I'm on vacation, Can't you wait for my words of wisdon?"

Sunday 12/27/2009 10:30 pm: “Mr President, the nation is looking for leadership from you and your thoughts on the attempted terrorist attack on Christmas Day, could you please say a few words to comfort a worried nation?”

"Tomorrow afternoon for sure! Can't you see I'm hanging out with my friends?  I'll see if I can fit the nation in tomorrow!"

"Can't you see I'm with friends right now? Can't this wait?...Tomorrow, Ok?"

Monday 12/28/2009 President Obama took time out of his vacation 3 days after a Islamic terrorist tried to blow up a Northwest plane over Detroit, Michigan…..

President Obama declared Monday that his administration “will not rest” until it tracks down everyone involved in the attempted bombing of a Detroit-bound flight on Christmas, and pledged to do “everything in our power” to ensure security in the thick of the holiday travel season. 

In his first public remarks on the incident, the president said Americans should be “confident,” but also stay “vigilant.” 

Obama, who is on vacation in Hawaii, called the Detroit incident a “serious reminder” of the threat posed by terrorism abroad. 

"We will not rest.....Thank you...Try the veal"

Is it fucking 2012 yet?

Under Obama More Troops Killed On American Soil By Islamic Terrorists Then In Iraq In November

And I’m sure the response from the Obamabots would be that it’s all Bush’s fault….

From Weasel Zippers

iCasualties.org reports11 Coalition fatalities in Iraq in November. There were 12 soldiers, 1 civilian worker and 1 unborn child killed by Major Nidal Hasan at Ft Hood on November 5th.

Islamic Terrorist John Muhammad Executed

John Allen Muhammad, the Islamic Terrorist also known as the DC Sniper was executed last night by lethal injection.

adios mother fucker

I sincerely hope this pig fucking whore is suffering horribly within the inner most circle of hell alongside his fellow Jihadist who in the name of the Cartoon Like Prophet Muhammad declared war against civilized society.

May I also add that Muhammad was a member of the Nation of Islam who’s leader Louis Farrakkhan is closely associated to President Barack Hussein Obama’s pastor Jeremiah Wright.

AMF….Adios Mother Fucker!

Empty Headed Empty Suit Speaks About Anti-Terrorism

Was the Chairman’s teleprompter there to tell him what to say?Obama Is A Wuss

President Barack Obama speaks to employees at the National Counterterrorism Centre yesterday. Later he spoke to members of Congress about strategy in Afghanistan

Moderate Muslim Pleads “Not Guilty” To Charges of Beheading His Wife


And this schmuck was considered a “Moderate Muslim”.  If he didn’t do it, then who did?  The Jews?  OMG, I forgot…It’s all Bush’s fault!

From Michelle Malkin:

The founder of a Muslim-American television station pleaded not guilty Friday to beheading his estranged wife.

Muzzammil “Mo” Hassan, 44, is charged with one count of second-degree murder for the Feb. 12 death of 37-year-old Aasiya Hassan at the offices of Bridges TV in the suburb of Orchard Park.

The Pakistani-born businessman, who has been in custody since reporting his wife’s death soon after it happened, remained held without bail.

“The proof of guilt in this case is strong,” prosecutor Colleen Curtin Gable told Erie County Judge Thomas Franczyk. She cited alleged admissions, forensic evidence and “strong motive evidence.” Aasiya Hassan was stabbed multiple times and decapitated less than a week after having her husband served with divorce papers.

…The case against Hassan is striking in its irony. Muzzammil and Aasiya Hassan launched the Bridges TV network in 2004, saying they wanted to counter negative stereotypes and media portrayals of Muslims.

I hope they give this asshole the needle!  In prison, he’ll probably be recruited by Louie Farakkahn’s Rotten Fruit of Islam and rebranded as a Hometown Hero of some sorts.

I hope that justice prevails and he ends up sharing a cell with a cock strong sissy that force feeds his ass while licking peanut butter from Shakkah Zulu X’s ass crack.  He may have started in prison with an asshole so tight he could shit in a coke bottle, but it won’t be long before he’s shitting in a washtub hitting the sides!  Allah willing!

Obama Abandons Term “Enemy Combatant” For BFF


I saw this coming long time ago.  The Moonbat Messiah has decided to abandon the term “Enemy Combatant” in reference to the Islamic Terrorists/Jihadis being held in luxury accomodations in Club Gitmo.

From Michelle Malkin:

Well, it was only a matter of time. The Obama administration has decided to abandon the term “enemy combatants” to describe the jihadi suspects at Guantanamo Bay. Makes sense. After all, Attorney General Eric Holder’s former law firm has been calling the Gitmo detainees by a different name for a while now: Clients.

Let the re-branding begin. Bucktown Dusty suggests the DOJ will start calling them “Undocumented Protagonists” ; suicide bombers will be “Next Life Enablers.” Send me your suggestions.

According to The One, it is a symbolic move to “breakaway from the past”  (Barf)

I cannot wait to see what the new branding will be for these lowlife douchebags.  Whatever will it be?  Obama’s BFF’s, Friends of Obama, Community Organizers, ACORN workers,  Obama’s Heroes, or my favorite….CAIR Bears or Dead Men Walking?

It’s going to be a long fucking four years of this bullshit!

Jimmy Carter Writes Another “Blame The Jews” Book

Epic Fail:  Jimmy Carter

While Barack Hussein Obama is busy building an even bigger legacy of failure then Jimmy Carter did in the 70’s, Islam’s most convenient dumbass has been busy writing yet another “It’s all the fault of the Jews” book.

From the Jerusalem Post:

Jimmy Carter does not apologize for the historically inaccurate and inappropriate use of the word "apartheid" to describe the security wall that has effectively prevented Hamas suicide bombers from killing and maiming Israelis in restaurants and discotheques. He does not acknowledge that it has saved countless lives.

But this should come as no surprise. As with his last book, Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid, Carter doesn’t even feign a balanced approach to the Arab-Israeli conflict in We Can Have Peace in the Holy Land. He ignores the fact that a majority of Palestinians still refuse to accept the existence of the State of Israel, while insisting that peace would be achieved if Jerusalem would simply accede to the demands of the Palestinians. And because Israel refuses to unilaterally take those steps, We Can Have Peace in the Holy Land is a 180-page harangue of the Jewish state.

Part of the problem is that Carter is a man who once enjoyed prominence as a peacemaker – he presided over the 1978 Camp David Accords between Israel and Egypt – but now lacks access to most of the power brokers in the Middle East. If one can somehow ignore the incessant snipes at Israel’s defense policies, the book reads like a tedious and depressing political diary of an elderly man who can’t quite remember where and when he misplaced his clout.

Poor, poor Jimmy.  This poster child for “Fail” seems to think that people give a shit about his opinion on anything, let alone the Middle East.  He handed Iran over to Islamic Terrorists on a silver platter and now he wants to surrender Israel to the Islamonazis.  Up until Obama, Carter was one of the worst Presidents in American history, and with his continued Saudi funded anti Semitic tirades, he further plunges himself into the abyss of Irrelevancy.

I was a kid in 6th grade when Jimmy Carter became President in 1976.  As a 12 yr old kid who’s main interest was Pheasant hunting and riding my bike, I remember oh so well surrender of our Embassy in Tehran to the Islamic Terrorists and Jimmy’s do nothing attitude that lost him the election in 1980 to perhaps the greatest President of the 20th century, Ronald Reagan.  While the mullahs were laughing their asses off at Carter’s cowardice, they were shitting their pants when Reagan took the helm and was quick to surrender the hostages back to the United States. 

I remember my Grandmother always saying the Jimmy Carter was a “good man”, but even then, I remembered him as a pussy.  My adult memories of Jimmy will always be that of him as a Religious Bigot who never accepted responsibility for his short comings and decided instead to take the convenient road of blaming the Jews.  In his old ages, he is not now, nor has he ever been an inspirational leader, he only inspires hatred not peace.


John Kerry: Ambassador To Hamas (The New Jimmy Carter)


Is it not bad enough that Barack Obama will in all likelihood surpass Jimmy Carter as a huge failure as President, but now we have John “Lurch” Kerry taking over where Jimmy the Dhimmi left off by visiting the Palestinian Occupied Gaza strip and trying to make nice with Islamic Terrorists who would sooner blow themselves up on a busy street then agree to Israel’s existence. 

Rumor has it, Hamas gave the convenient idiot a letter to hand deliver to the Messiah, Barack Hussein Obama.

From Fox News:

U.S. officials are furious with the United Nations for its role in Hamas’ attempt to enlist U.S. Sen John Kerry to transfer a letter from the Palestinian militant group to President Obama during Kerry’s trip to the Middle East, an official source told FOX News.

The incident also has raised security concerns over how much Hamas knew about Kerry’s travel plans.

Kerry turned the letter over to the U.S. consulate in Jerusalem on Friday, saying he was unaware that it was from Hamas until hearing about the letter in media reports, including on the BBC. He told FOX News on Saturday that he will not be visiting Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal during his trip to Syria on Saturday. He is scheduled to meet with Syrian President Bashar Assad.

U.S. officials in Jerusalem are outraged at the United Nations Relief and Works agency for apparently handing the letter off to Kerry.

The official source who spoke to FOX News argued that if the U.N. had a letter from Hamas, it should have given U.S. officials a heads-up before the news was leaked to media organizations.

So now Senator John Kerry is the link between Hamas terrorists and the Moonbat Messiah and some of the players are pissed because they did not want US Taxpayers and Israel to know about it and everybodies panties are in a twist because news leaked out before the administrations new position of supporting Hamas was a done deal.

Out with the old (Jimmy Carter) and In with the new (John Kerry).  Different but still the same pile of shit, just stacked taller.