After Nine Years, Oprah’s Allowing Another Cover Girl on O Magazine: Michelle Obama

After a nine year run, ego maniac Oprah Winfrey is giving up the Cover Girl spot on her self named O Magazine to First “Lady” (I use that term loosely) Michelle Obama.

From NewsBusters:

Oprah Winfrey’s been resoundingly in the tank for Barack and Michelle Obama for several years now. On her show the other day, she touted how the Obamas would show the nation how to have family dinner together each night (as if they accomplished that on the campaign trail). On her show Friday, Oprah announced that someone else would share the cover of O Magazine: Michelle Obama, of course.

It’s not going to be a hard-hitting story. Oprah’s website promises:

This is where the oozing began:

Oprah: I had heart palpitations coming through the White House gate, recognizing that this really is now your home. It’s the White House, and it’s your home.

Michelle Obama: And it’s a beautiful home. When you go out and come back, especially at night, with all the white lights on—it’s just beautiful. We feel privileged, and we feel a responsibility to make it feel like the people’s house. We have the good fortune of being able to sleep here, but this house belongs to America.

I’m quite sure that Talk TV’s First Lady did not have to clear the questions ahead of time with Michelle’s handlers.  That would be like expecting Chris Matthews or Keith Olberman to ask the Moonbat Messiah about his troubling connections to William Ayers or Tony Rezko….We all know, that is never going to happen.  I expect nothing but Sugar & Spice in this article.  Nothing with substance.  I will probably need an insulin shot after reading it.

I did manage to draw from my own creative spirit to imagine what I think the latest cover of O Magazine should look like…..

Oprah Cover Girl

Remember all of those bizarre Nude Obama With A Unicorn pictures?  Well the artist decided to do a rendition of Michelle Obama Nude With A Dolphin. (Not a Miami Dolphin)  I’ve seen several of the Artist’s paintings of Nude Obama and I think we’ve found a cheap replacement for all of those Black Velvet Elvis paintings hanging in Trailer Parks throughout America.

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