Legislative Hall of Shame: Debbie Stabenow, Michigan’s Most Incompetent Senator

Last night I wrote of the incompetent and inept Governor Jennifer Granholm (D-MI).  Believe it or not, their is another Michigan Liberal that is even more inept and incompetent then Granholm.  No, I’m not talking about Rep. John Dingell (D-MI), I’m talking about the Dangerously Incompetent Senator Debbie Stabenow, a Liberal Democrat who spends more time defending the rights of Islamic Terrorists then defending American Citizens.  Truly, she holds a place of dishonor in the Legislative Hall of Shame.

Sen. Stabenhoe is yet another Useless Liberal in Michigan that is seeking re-election this November.  It is my preference that she have her ass booted out onto the unemployment line that her and Granholm have worked so hard to create.  If anything, Debbie would be more then incompetent eneough to find a job as a Supervisor or Manager with the Transportation Security Administration.  Her brand of stupid could probably land her a top position as a Federal Security Director or Assistant Federal Security Director. If you don’t want to read any further though because you are a unhinged liberal with your head in your ass, you must at least scroll down to see the photo shop pics of Stabenow, they are a hoot.

It should be noted that Stabenow represents a part of Michigan that is in the heart of Islamic America and home to thousands of Islamic Jihadis and the offices of Hizbollah…Dearborn, also refered to by many Freedom loving Americans as DEARBORNISTAN.

Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) went to the Senate floor in March of 2006 and shamefully displayed an enormous sign that read “Dangerously Incompetent” while giving a speech attacking the Bush administration over first responder and Homeland Security funding.

Stabenow was on the Senate floor selling an amendment in which she has offered to increase funding for first responders by $5 billion. “God forbid that there is another terrorist attack or a natural disaster,” Stabenow had warned.

The Showboating circus display on the Senate floor by Stabenow comes in an election year in which she herself is up for re-election.

Senator Stabenhow represents mostly the southeast corner of Michigan which is mostly urban and makes up the majority of Liberal Democrat voters in the state.

Detroit, the largest city in Michigan is owned and operated by the Liberals and whose mayor is Democrat Kwame Kilpatrick, operates the city with a huge $230 million deficit.

A city that hovers above a financial abyss that was forced in 2005 to lay off 700 city workers and reduce services, but found it within the budget to see that the mayors wife had a brand new Lincoln Navigator to drive.

Stabenow now wants more tax payer money for Kwame and company to mismanage and squander. She talks a good game about incompetence in Washington, DC. What about the incompetence and mismanagement in her own back yard?

Former Detroit police sgt David Malhalab had this to say about the mayor of Detroit…

“There’s an aura of intimidation that has existed since the days of the Coleman Young administration,” Malhalab says. “But it’s even worse now under Kwame. I served under three mayors, but his is the first administration that disciplined me for trying to inform the public about the mismanagement of the Detroit Police Department.”

Unions and the very same crony system that Democrats accuse Republicans of are crippling the Detroit Motor City.

Senator Stabenow has demonstrated to the world and the voters of Michigan her total lack of class and dignity. She in no way represents or speaks for me and many like me.

Mostly an unheard from Senator she finds herself grandstanding for her liberal supporters in Detroit for votes and dollars for her war chest.

She recently has been leading the fight to keep Canadian trash shipments out of the United States. She has not been doing her job because somehow Michigan Govenor Jennifer Granholm sneaked in right under Stabenow’s nose.

Democrat Govenor, Jennifer Granholm is also up for re-election in Michigan and finds herself in quite a quandry with the lack of job creation in Michigan and the mass exodus of businesses and people from the Great Lakes State in search of places more friendly to business which in turn creates jobs…In all those years of school, I wonder how that slipped by this dynamic duo, Stabenow and Grandholm?

The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) issued the following statement after a review of Senator Debbie Stabenow’s (D-MI) voting record by the non-partisan National Journal determined that Senator Stabenow is one of the most liberal members of the Senate:

“This report proves what Michiganders already know—that Debbie Stabenow is one of the most liberal Senators in the nation, and does not represent the views of the people of her home state,” said NRSC spokesman, Dan Ronayne. “Debbie Stabenow walks in lock-step with John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, and Hillary Clinton, not with Michigan values.”

Senator Debbie Stabenow

According to respected political publication National Journal, Debbie Stabenow’s liberal score for 2005 is 86.3, making her the ninth most liberal member of the Senate, outranking nationally known liberals such as New York Senators Hillary Clinton and Charles Schumer and on par with Massachusetts Senator John Kerry.

And according to America’s oldest liberal organization, Americans for Democratic Action (ADA), Debbie Stabenow has higher liberal scores than Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, and is just as liberal as Ted Kennedy. 

Michigans Most Incompetent Senator

Short of getting a Purple Heart for a scratch, donning a Swastika and downing a bottle of scotch in one swallow, that is quite an impressive feat for someone of such little importance as dear ole Debbie.


I guess that Dem Darling Deb’s display was just a warm up for the grandstanding and showboating that will take place on the Democrat side of the aisle during this years mid-term election season.

Perhaps the Libs are hoping for another one of their friends to die so that the funeral can be used as a paid for campaign rally.  Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) would probably show up as a cowboy dressed in drag to drum up the support of the gay community while Debbie Stabenow would disguise herself as The View’s Angry Lesbian, Rosie O’Donnell. 

It would appear that Michigan has pretty “slim” pickins when it comes to our Legislators in Washington.  G-d Help Us All!

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