Obama Campaign Makes Huge Ayers In Judgment

As we all know, Obama’s Mob Like Goons are trying keep under wraps the exposure of the Obamessiah’s connections to Terrorists, Thugs, Goons, and Criminals, but as the saying goes, “The Chosen one doth protest too much, methinks” and the protests from his campaign is bringing added publicity to the issue despite his underhanded efforts.

From Michelle Malkin:

Just obtained the latest counterpunch from American Issues Project, the independent group running the ad about Bill Ayers that the Obama campaign doesn’t want you to see. (Embedded again at the end of this post. Keep passing it around.)

As I’ve pointed out repeatedly over the past few days, Obama’s attempt to bully TV stations airing the ad and stop scrutiny of his radical ties is part and parcel of a larger campaign to chill the free speech of conservative political activists and donors.

AIP sends the same message to the DOJ’s Deputy Assistant Attorney General John Keeney and turns the tables on the Chicago thugs:

Re: Response to August 25, 2008 Letter to DOJ from Obama Presidential Campaign (“Second Letter”)

I think this is a wonderful response to Obama’s Brownshirt Nazi like tactics.  His bus carrying America on for a totalitarian state may have just had the brakes slammed on it and is coming up on some huge speed bumps and a road block known as the Constitution!

Take that Biatch!

B. Hussein Obama Supports Union Corruption

This schmuck running for president likes terrorists and racists, why not include corrupt union leaders and mobsters into his circle of trust.

From WSJ:

Sen. Barack Obama won the endorsement of the Teamsters earlier this year after privately telling the union he supported ending the strict federal oversight imposed to root out corruption, according to officials from the union and the Obama campaign. 

It’s an unusual stance for a presidential candidate. Policy makers have largely treated monitoring of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters as a legal matter left to the Justice Department since an independent review board was set up in 1992 to eliminate mob influence in the union.

I am led to wonder.  Will John McCain grow a set of testicles and make Obama’s connections to terrorists, criminals, and racists a campaign issue or will he continue to act like a castrated eunich?

Kwame Kilpatrick’s Chickens Cum Home To Roost

A Dead Stripper? Are we talkin bout Duke University? Nope, we talkin bout Detroit’s very own big pimpin Mayor, Democrat Kwame Kilpatrick!

Let’s see….Black Mayor, Black Girlfriend, Black Cops, Black Judge, and a Black Prosecutor…..I can see how this could be confused as racism.

From Debbie Schlussel:

Prosecutor Kym Worthy announces charges–a 12-Count Criminal Complaint–against Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick and extramarital girlfriend/ex-chief of staff Christine Beatty for Conspiracy, Obstruction of Justice, Misconduct in Office, Perjury in a Court Proceeding, Perjury Other Than a Court Proceeding–All Felonies. She Threw the Book at The Kingpin Pimp-Daddy Mayor. Good News. But Wait for the Trial, Where Johnny Cochran will be reincarnated and the Tactics of Racism Will Manifest itself. ****

Looks like Detroit’s version of Idi Amin and Iranian agent in Michigan will be spending some big time in the big house. Having worked in Michigan’s prisons for over ten years, I know what lies ahead for Kwame…..He’ll need some knee pads and some anal lube. Pimpin ain’t easy!

Oh yeah, did I mention that the Mayor of Detroit is a Democrat?

“God Damn American”…..Justice That is!

B. Hussein Obama Already Plotting To Disarm Americans

Not even are we to the halfway mark of the 2008 Presidential Election and Presidential Wannabe Senator Barack Hussein Obama (D-Il) is already foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog in preparation of disarming Law Abiding Citizens of the United States.

From Yahoo News:

MILWAUKEE – Barack Obama says the country must do “whatever it takes” to eradicate gun violence but believes in the right to bear arms.

Obama says he’s offered his Senate office to help Northern Illinois University with the investigation into a campus shooting rampage. The shooting happened in his home state. Obama was campaigning in neighboring Wisconsin.

The senator, a former constitutional law instructor, says he believes the Second Amendment to the Constitution grants individual gun rights.

Senator Obama’s state of Illinois was the site of a mass shooting on a college campus on Thursday Feb 14, 2008 despite the campus already being a “Gun Free Zone” and several other restrictive gun laws in place, that were obviously designed to keep guns out of the hands of law abiding Americans more so then the hands of mentally deranged person.

Liberals like Obama are more then willing to Protect Terrorists and Criminals, and to strip law abiding Americans of their Constitutional Right to Keep and Bear Arms, but are unwilling to do “Whatever it takes” to protect Americans from Islamic Terrorists and Illegal Immigration.

Wanna piss of the liberals and give Obama a virtual middle finger? Then my suggestion to Freedom Loving Americans everywhere is to take the Tax Rebate signed by both Republicans and Democrats, go to your nearest gun dealer and buy a gun.