Get Over Yourself!

I cannot believe all the bullshit over a freaking cartoon of a dead monkey.  The liberal leftards are losing their damn minds over this?


What about this…..


When it was President Bush being compared to a chimp, it was perfectly ok by Liberal Democrats and considered freedom of expression.  Except in this case when it is their Messiah that is targeted, that of course brings assholes like Al Sharpton out of the closet in this age of Post Racism when shcmucks like him are looking under every rock for something to maintain their relevency and fill their pockets with money extorted in the name of “Civil Rights”.

Most recently, one of the Cunts from The View, Joy Behar compared the cartoon to that of an assassination threat against Rev. Jim Jones Barack Obama.  I don’t remember her being so concerned when the movie “Death of a President” came out.  Joy really needs to get out more and perhaps start taking her meds again.  She really is one loony bitch.  Her and everyone else offended over this cartoon really need to get over themselves already.  Is it really worth it?


Epic Google Fail

Epic Google Fail!

Epic Google Fail!

Go to Google.Com and type in…..

Obama Failure:  Results 1 10 of about 22,900,000 for obama failure. (0.17 seconds)

Bush Failure:  Results 1 10 of about 13,300,000 for bush failure. (0.10 seconds)

Less then 30 days into what is going to be a long 4 years and the Moonbat Messiah has already surpassed Bush as an Epic Failure!

I’m gonna need more popcorn!

Biggest Failure Snubs Biggest Pervert

The most failed President in US history and friend to every Islamic Jew Hating Terrorist and Anti American Dictators Jimmy Carter gave the cold shoulder to Former Oral Office Inhabitant Bill Clinton and Former First Lady/Senator/Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Amazing.  I thought the atmosphere was suppose to be that of Unity and of course the nauseating mantra of “Hope & Change”.   The man who snuggles up to Jew Hating Islamonazis refuses to warm up to a fellow Dumbocrat, Mr President Snugglepants himself, or could it be that he’s pissed at Clinton for showing Amy his cigar and trying to hire her as a intern?

The All Barack Channel ABC had this take on the snub:

One small example: as the ex-Presidents gathered in the crypt of the Capitol preparing to head out to the platform, a chilly day got a bit chillier as the Carters and the Clintons were forced to occupy the same cramped space.

Former Democratic President Jimmy Carter appeared to greet former Republican President George H.W. Bush and his wife warmly, kissing Barbara Bush on the cheek.  But as Carter passed fellow Democrats Bill and Hillary Clinton, the two men did not appear to acknowledge each others presence at all.

Both men are  juvenile, self-absorbed, and venomously vengeful;Both schmucks are long history of neither one accepting responsibility for their own actions and constantly have pointed fingers at others for the problems they themselves created.

The level of immaturity shown by Carter at a time when George W. Bush was gratiously able to pass the Sceptor of Power to a Democrat as liberal and socialist as Obama speaks volumes to me.

H/T Michelle Malkin

Thank You President Bush For Your Service To Our Country

I didn’t always agree with you, but most importantly you kept us safe by delivering the message to Islamic Terrorists that any attack on our nation would be met with all of the might of our Armed Forces and  superior firepower.  You had faith in us as a nation, faith in Freedom, and despite strong opposition from a fanatical Liberal Left, you stood your ground.  You put country before yourself.  For that I am grateful.


For your tax cuts by entrusting the American people to decide what to do with their own money rather then giving it to government to decide, my wallet and my wife thanks you.

And mostly for being a great friend to the Jewish State of Israel and Jews everywhere.  Your ideas for peace in Israel were not the greatest, but your heart was in the right place.

Throughout your presidency, Americans have saw a man with unfailing modesty, strong character, decency, moral clarity and class. He was as consistently gracious to his critics as they were consistently rude and full of hatred. He never wavered in distinguishing good from evil and freedom from tyranny, or, as he explained in his second inaugural, “the moral choice between oppression, which is always wrong, and freedom, which is eternally right.”

When the new year arrived on Jan 1, 2009, President Bush said to the nation, “As my time in office comes to a close, I thank the American people for trusting me with the honor of serving our great country. It has been a tremendous privilege.”

For these things and many more Mr. President, you have my heartfelt gratitude.  May G-d bless you and your family President Bush.

The Rogue Jew

Michelle Obama’s Hatchet Wound

Look below the fold to see why I dedicated this song to new First Lady Michelle Obama

Who’d a thunk.. Michelle Obama has a little meat between the sheets, take a look at this unflattering photo.

I see your camel toe!

I see your camel toe!


Hatchet Wound

Calling Michelle Obama a *class act* is a real reach. Meet the new First Lady of the United States of America!

I can’t remember Jacqueline Kennedy, Laura Bush or even Hillary Clinton going out in public dressed like this. First Lady *Camel Toe* is just NOT something that translates to *classy*…

Economic Collapse Planned Or Coincidence?

I don’t want to be called a truther or a conspiracy nut, but I do find it strange that this whole economic collapse was predicted by McCain and the Republicans back as early as 2006 and the Democrats kept saying everything was ok, nothing is wrong, just keep walking.  Nothing to see here folks, show’s over!  

If it hadn’t been for this whole debacle with Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac, which I must add was enabled and nurtured by Barack Obama and Barney Frank, I believe that John McCain could have easily have won the election, but of course we all know how it all played out.

I have to say, it would not surprise me one bit that the Democrats planned this all along know full well that President Bush would be blamed and anyone associated with him and the Republican party would be held responsible and would have a snowballs chance in hell of getting elected.  The Democrats only hope was a failing economy to come along.  How could they have not known this was coming?  

For Democrats to have power, they require an electorate that will vote with their hand out.  They NEED voters to have a need to be rescued by a big government.  Remember Huricane Katrina and the idiots that waited and waited for the Gubmit to come rescue them rather then packing up and getting the hell out of dodge?  That is the welfare mentallity created by a welfare state governed by Democrats.

I would like to think that my own government would not stoop to such a low level of depravity in the name of Power, but after watching the Democrats over the last 8 yrs in their deranged state of mind, I have to admit that it would not surprise me at all.

That’s just my opinion, I could be wrong…..but I doubt it!

I Can’t Afford Anymore “Change”

Tonight is the big Obamamercial on tv tonight.  He’s just lucky he did’nt schedule half hour last night and interfere with me watching NCIS.  That would have really pissed me off.  Thank g-d for “On Demand” cable, so while the Obamessiah is selling you his snake oil he calls “Hope & Change”, I’ll be watching something else like “Lethal Weapon 3”  or a CSI rerun.

I got to thinking today, George Bush has been President for almost 8 yrs.  We have not experienced the horror of another attack from Islamofacists since 9/11, and for the first 6 yrs of his Leadership the economy for all general purposes has been good.  We’ve had high levels consumer confidence and gas prices that at an average were around $2.25 a gallon, low unemployment and the stock market was setting records with the Dow Jones average at around 14000.  Americans were spending money on trips and cars.  Then “Change” happend.

In 2006, Americans gave the Democrats the majority in both the House of Reprentatives and the Senate.  What do we have to show for that now?  All that “Change” the Democrats have promised has left us with less change in our pockets.  Home Foreclosures are at a record high, the value of our homes (equity) has fallen, gas was over $4.00 a gallon, the Dow Jones Stock Average took a nose dive, and consumer confidence is now at an all time low.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t think I can afford any more “Change” that the Democrats have in store for us, particularly Barack Obama who wants to take “Change” from those who work and turn it into cash for those who don’t by “Spreading The Wealth”.

Memo to Barack Obama……Keep the change!

How A Community Organizer From Chicago Helped Create A Global Economic Crisis


In Obama We Trust?

In Obama We Trust?



Presidential Wannabe Barack Obama is galavanting around the country telling anyone who will listen that the housing mortgage market collapsed primarily because of “Deregulation” that took place under George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.

From The Jawa Report v3.0:


The reality is that the housing market collapsed in large part because a coalition of race-baiting bullies brought very heavy pressure to bear on the banks to make more subprime loans on properties in low-income communities. Those who didn’t approve the risky subprime loans were accused of “redlining”–i.e., refusing to make loans on properties in those neighborhoods.

Who were these bullies?

Some of the bullies were out in Washington pounding the tables and screaming at bank executives about “redlining”.

At the same time, other bullies were stalking big city courthouses, filing frivolous and extortinate lawsuits against banks based on novel “disparate impact” theories of what might be held to constitute “redlining.” In other words, even banks which were making lots of loansin low-income communities were being sued if they weren’t approving just as many loans in low-income communities as they were in high-income communities.

Who were these mortgage extortionists?

Ragnar Danneskjold, Typical Bitter Gun-Clinger at the Jawa Report v3.0 has the rest of this fascinating story that outlines Obama’s role in this debacle and you can bet dollars to bagels that this story will never be reported by the Obamabots over at MSNBC.


Real Africans Love George W. Bush

Here in America, most African-Americans suffer from Booosh Derangement Syndrome like their Caucasian partners on the left, and hate him with a passion, but the real Africans, you know the ones that LIVE in Africa LOVE George W. Bush.

Africa Loves Bush

From Reuters:

Welcomed earlier by crowds of cheering Liberians who lined the streets of the war-damaged coastal capital Monrovia, Bush pledged U.S. backing to help Liberia heal the social and economic wounds of the 1989-2003 war that killed 200,000 people.

“The United States will stand with you as you rebuild your country,” Bush said in a speech before he and Johnson-Sirleaf watched a parade of U.S.-trained Liberian troops in Monrovia.

Why do Africans in Africa love G W B, but African Americans despise the guy?

Perhaps he has done more for Africans in Africa than the American Africans in America has?  Where is P Diddy and Snoop Doggy Dog, Danny Glover, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the rest of the Afro Americans when Africa needs them?  Oh yeah, their to busy hating on G W Bush instead.

Political Joke Of The Year

Nothing like poking fun at the Clintons to brighten your day.

From IMAO:

G. W. Bush and Bill Clinton ended up at the same barbershop. As they sat there, each being worked on by a different barber, not a word was spoken.

The barbers were both afraid to start a conversation, for fear it would turn to politics. As the barbers finished their shaves, the one who had Clinton in his chair reached for the after shave.

Clinton was quick to stop him saying, ‘No thanks, my wife Hillary will smell that and think I’ve been in a whorehouse.’

The second barber turned to Bush and said, ‘How about you?’

Bush replied, ‘Go ahead, my wife doesn’t know what the inside of a whorehouse smells like.’