The Complete Idiots Guide To Surviving Barack Obama

Dan McLaughin at Redstate put together a survival guide to Surviving the next 4 yrs of The Obamessiah:

(1) Oppose Obama, Not America: The absolute wrong way to react to life in the minority is … well, what we saw from too many people on the Left the past 8 years: calling everyone from the President on down to individual soldiers and Marines war criminals, parroting the propaganda of our enemies, exposing classified national security secrets on the front pages of the newspapers, and generally doing whatever possible to stymie the national defense and convince the nation and the world that America is the bad guy. We’re better than that. When Obama fails to act to defend America and its interests and allies, or violates the basic common-sense principles of national security and foreign policy, we will of course be unsparing in our criticism. But we should not emulate the Left; indeed, the day may even come when Obama needs defending from the Left for doing what needs to be done, and we certainly want to encourage him to take actions that provoke that reaction.

(2) No Chicken-Hawking: This is a corollary of #1: given his shaky draft history, Bill Clinton at times appeared afraid of criticism over deploying the military on grounds that he didn’t serve. We should never make Obama feel that he should blanch at defending the nation simply because he never wore the uniform (fortunately, on that score, Obama’s defining personality trait is hubris). We’ve had civilian leadership before, we’ll have it again.

(3) Don’t Question The Verdict: Was there voter fraud in yesterday’s election? Were there other shenanigans both legal and illegal? I’m sure there were, and others who follow those stories will no doubt be expanding on them in the weeks to come. Chronicling specific instances of misconduct is an important service – to expose the miscreants and their connections to the Obama campaign, to punish and deter and provide a basis for someday preventing a recurrence (although don’t expect the Obama era to see anything but massive resistance to taking even the most tepid steps against voter fraud). And likewise, of course, there is still plenty more to be examined in Obama’s fundraising, to say nothing of the untruths he told to get elected and the really shameful behavior of the media.

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Epic Fail: Barack Obama In 2012

Fuck unity and all that Hopey Changey bullshit!  I found this online and I think it makes probably the most accurate prediction of what we have to look forward to here in the United Socialist States of Amerika.


Looking back on the four years of his first administration, President Obama can be proud: He made the US welcome among the family of nations again; he reduced our reliance on military force; and he gave us peace by reaching sensible accommodations with our enemies.

The lies told about him in the 2008 election were exposed as sheer bigotry. Far from being “soft on radical Islam,” President Obama was the first world leader to welcome Jewish refugees after Iran’s nuclear destruction of Israel’s major cities (his only caveat – a fair one – was the refusal to accept Zionist military officers and their families, in light of Israel’s excessive retaliation).

He also demonstrated his resolve in the face of extremism when he overruled the obstructionist advice of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and ordered our military to cross the border into Pakistan in force. The subsequent debacle, as Pakistan cut off supply routes to Afghanistan and threatened a nuclear response, was entirely the fault of our generals on the ground, not of the administration.

Fortunately, President Obama’s willingness to talk to our enemies rescued the situation. After laying down their arms, our troops were allowed to evacuate Pakistan and Afghanistan in peace. The Taliban’s return to power in Kabul did not result in an excessive bloodbath, and al Qaeda is not permitted the unrestricted freedom it enjoyed in the country prior to 2001.

State Department surveys prove that the Afghan population welcomes Sharia law, the closure of girls’ schools and other such cultural choices. Our reparations payments to Kabul (as with those to Havana) are only just. Opium production is, arguably, no worse than in the past.

We also have seen peace in Iraq. Claims that our troop withdrawal was responsible for the resurgence of al Qaeda and the subsequent civil war are nothing but Republican campaign propaganda. With the International Sunni Alliance in firm control of Iraq – after Israel’s wanton destruction of Iran – order prevails in the streets. As for the Turkish and Arab suppression of the Kurds, our diplomats regard it as a small price to pay for regional stability. Biased reports of massacres and concentration camps remain unsubstantiated.

Our relations with the Muslim world have rarely, if ever, been better. The current $320 per barrel price of oil allows long-oppressed states to develop themselves without the yoke of neo-colonialism or invasive efforts to force democracy upon their populations. As UN Ambassador Ayers noted, “We can state with pride that the US not only respects, but embraces cultural differences.”

Relations with Russia are also at a high unthinkable a mere four years ago. Moscow’s legitimate concerns for the welfare of its citizens in the “near abroad,” as well as for ethnic Russians persecuted by so-called free democracies, fully justified its peace-preservation military deployments into Ukraine and other regional states. The subsequent referendums on re-unification with Russia, while displaying a few inevitable irregularities, have been judged free and fair by the Jimmy Carter Memorial Foundation.

While the deployment of Russian forces into the NATO-member Baltic states to protect ethnic Russians proved controversial, President Obama’s personal intervention kept us – and NATO – out of war. Partisan charges of “Finlandization” distort the generous terms of the neutrality guarantees Moscow provides for the former NATO members.

After the internationally brokered (with President Obama in the lead) demilitarization of eastern Poland, it’s clear to all responsible parties that Russia’s legitimate claims have been fully satisfied and we may expect peace in our time.

President Obama resisted yet another war trap as China lost patience and finally reclaimed its long-lost province, Taiwan. Furthermore, the reduction of the US military presence in Japan and South Korea has deflated strategic tensions in East Asia to the lowest level in over one hundred years. Again, President Obama gave us peace.

(The resulting peace dividend from our president’s 25% cut in the defense budget has allowed our government, in a public/private partnership with the Chicago-based Rezko Foundation, to provide subsidized housing for almost six million new immigrant families from developing countries. No other administration policy has raised the world’s esteem for us more profoundly than our “Global Balance” instant-citizenship immigration reforms.)

In our own hemisphere, President Obama has supported the cause of justice, human rights and trade unions, cutting off military aid to Colombia, killing the proposed free-trade agreement with that country, and expressing humane understanding for the long freedom struggle of the FARC and other liberation groups.

Preferring a sensible rapprochement with Venezuela to needless confrontation, our president went to Caracas and negotiated a regional division of labor with democratically-elected President Hugo Chavez. The end of our destructive trade embargo against Cuba, our formal apology for the deprivations we imposed, and our generous reparations payments have inaugurated a new era of friendship with our long-suffering neighbors to the south.

The only complaint Democratic Party cadres fairly may lodge against the Obama administration’s foreign policy is that we still have not fully opened our border with Mexico. Resistance among right-wing fanatics in Washington and bigots around the country remains too strong for now.

As for Mexico’s presidential contest, President Obama has made it clear that, while he would prefer that a reputed drug-cartel leader not be elected, the US will respect the will of the Mexican people and strive for good relations with any future Mexican government.

One can only ask how much higher our 16.2% unemployment rate – an obvious legacy of the Bush years – might be if President Obama had not restored America’s standing in the world and re-negotiated unfair trade treaties imposed on American workers by previous administrations.

As our president remarked just the other day in a re-election campaign speech in Dearborn, Michigan: “Wealth redistribution isn’t just an American issue – it’s a global issue. Better that Americans should be a little poorer, if that means our brothers in Egypt and Bolivia can become a little richer.”

Under President Obama, America’s back!

More Predictions Below the Fold, but I believe the one above is perhaps the most accurate…

Continue reading

Welcome To The United Socialist States Of America!


A friend of mine named Andrew posted this on his Facebook Profile.  I felt obliged to share it with all of you…


To My Fellow Americans,

First of all to the liberals – congratulations on your win fair and square. Well sort of I guess…maybe. Yet again, the population of America has successfully been goaded by the likes of NBC’s wannabe political analyst Luke “shamelessly riding on the coattails of my late father” Russert (to Matt Lauer regarding University of Virginia students on the Today Shopw “You have to remember, the smartest kids in the state go there, so it’s leaning a little bit towards Obama”) and other such highly educated individuals as Paris Hilton. Congratulations on following through and electing just who the media wanted you to vote for. What can we expect from an unbiased media that was more focused on the cost of Sarah Palin’s wardrobe than Barack Hussein’s experience (or lack thereof), connections to the credit crisis (particularly his greatest supporters Fannie and Freddie), or ever-changing ways of avoiding the question at hand? Wait a minute did anyone outside of the conservative media minority dare to ask him or the campaign a legitimate question to begin with?

Maybe you wanted to feel like you were part of something bigger than yourself. Maybe you voted for who your friends or parents told you to. Maybe you wanted to make history. Maybe you have no real understanding of politics, the U.S. Constitution, or the idea that the benefits of someone else’s hard work and determination are not yours for the plundering. Maybe you thought it was cool to vote for Obama. Maybe you actually researched the candidates and honestly felt he was the best choice. Whatever you reasons consider that all actions have consequences and that a lack of experience usually leads to more mistakes than successes. Not much different than the idea that your mom and dad were never so keen on you borrowing the car when you turned 16.

I for one am not looking forward to watching this country slide further and further away from a democratic republic and align itself closer and closer with a socialist regime in which entitlement and handouts are the norm; while the drive to succeed and personal desire to achieve become less important to a people that have less incentive to work for anything than ever before in our nation’s history. Maybe I’ll stop going to school, working, and paying taxes. Hey why not if I do then everyone’s good buddy Barack “Robin Hood” Obama will just give me someone else’s hard earned money to support myself and my family with. The next four years will likely hold less mistakes in public address, but far more mistakes on the issues that really matter. Doesn’t anyone read Animal Farm in school anymore?

But perhaps I am wrong. Maybe it’s not your fault. Maybe the republicans did not get out to vote as they should have. Maybe the campaign was run poorly to begin with. Maybe Sarah Palin was not the right choice for the vice presidential nomination. Whatever the problem was, America has spoken and surely McCain did not have the answer. I guess I shouldn’t be so worried. After all, we have change and I guess there is always hope, but what exactly is that supposed to mean anyway? Oh I forgot, no one really bothered to find that out first. Ooops. I guess it will be okay, what can happen in four years?

We Are So Screwed

I cannot begin to express how I feel tonight.  A war hero lost to a community organizer who pals around with Terrorists and Racists.  There is only one thing left to say…..


We as a nation are FUCKED!

We as a nation are FUCKED!

The only good thing to come out of this is the fact that medical Marijuana became legal here in the state of Michigan.  I think I’m going to be needing some to get thru the next four years of redistribution of my earnings and living in a facist state.

Good news for Jimmy Carter though….In all likelyhood, Barack Obama will probably replace him as the most failed President in American history.

Well hang on to your wallets, crack open a beer and spark up a fatty…’s going to be long and expensive four years!

All Hail the Chosen One…..


Ah shit, here we go again.......

Ah shit, here we go again.......

Good night, and good luck America………………

Obama’s National Security Farce Intimidating Philly Voters

The Chosen One told us he would do it and we didn’t believe him.  Voters in Philidelphia are being intimidated by club wielding Black Panther Party Members are are telling voters that one way or another, a black man is getting elected President….Hook or by crook one would guess by the Thuggish dress of Obama’s Warriors.

From Michelle Malkin:

Here’s the vid of billy club-wielding “security” guards at the 1221 Fairmount Ave. polling place in Philly from Election Journal. Just as I suspected, these guys look like NBPP from the emblem on one of the “guard’s” jackets.

Maybe this is what Barack Obama was talking about when he proposed a Civilian Security Force.

Imagine if he’s elected the kind of National Civillian Security Force he has in store for those who disagree with his Gospel and Word.  It is the Modern Day Face of Facism, the New Nazi so to say.  It is Change he promised, and this is the kind of Change we’re in store for.

Remember, these are the Civillians, a 400,000 strong Civilian National Security Force that Obama wants to fund as well as the Military and give them Assault Rifles, Grenades, Tanks, and Rocket Launchers, along with the Democrats wanting to place limits on free speech by making the fairness doctrine law and delivering the death blow to Conservative Dominated Talk Radio, we will go from being the Freedom loving United States of America, to the Facist State of the United Socialist States of AmeriKKKA.

Election Day Live Blogging

CNN has already declared Obama’s campaign a victory and a landslide at that.  Could they be any more in the tank?

From the Commie News Network:

”DIXVILLE NOTCH, New Hampshire (CNN) — Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama emerged victorious in the first election returns of the 2008 presidential race, winning 15 of 21 votes cast in Dixville Notch, New Hampshire.”

Unconfirmed Reports of fraud and voter intimidation coming in from Philly where I’ve heard rumors that the Black Panthers are holding night sticks are blocking the doors at voting sites in Philly.

From LGF:

Fox News just reported on an incident at a polling station in Philadelphia, where Black Panthers were blocking the entrance (one of them holding a nightstick) and intimidating voters; police were called. According to a witness they were telling people, “A black man is going to win this election no matter what,” and, “White supremacy is over.” One of these Black Panthers is actually an official poll watcher.

When Fox News showed up, the Black Panthers started accusing them of voter intimidation.

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farakkahn and Domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers voted this morning in the same place as the Obamessiah.

Update:  Sorry, work calls.  I couldn’t get away as I had hoped.  We all know how this ended anyways.

I Voted!

I was at the polls this morning at 6:30 AM EST, the lines were already forming.  I must say, this was the most people I’ve seen this early to vote since I cast my first ballot in 1984 when I was 19 yrs old and I broke family tradition and instead of towing the UNION line, I voted for the greatest President in American history…Ronald Reagan!

From what I can see here in West Michigan, it’s going to be a busy day for election voters.

I would like to wish John McCain and Sarah Palin good luck.  You’re both in my prayers today as this country decides what direction it’s going to take.

I will try to throw in some election updates throughout the day if I can break away from work!  I did it, now the rest of you get off your asses and VOTE!

McCain * Palin 2008

McCain * Palin 2008

The Night Before….

I admit it.  I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve.  I feel comfortable in knowing I did my part in this process.  Was it enough?  Only time will tell.  I have prayed hard that not only will John McCain and Sarah Palin be victorious on November 4, 2008, but that America delivers a death blow to the Liberal Democrats and sends a message to them that they can keep their “Change” because we want to keep ours and decide for ourselves how to spend our own hard earned money rather then Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi redistributing our wealth to those who did nothing to earn it.

I’m leaving at 6:30 am for our polls which open at 7 am.  My vote for McCain/Palin will be a thunderous “Fuck You” to the Democrats and by casting my vote, will be a giant middle finger to all Liberals!

Time to go to bed and pray some more.  Good night, and good luck America!

Phishing For Facism: Obama Pulls Off Huge Credit Card Scam

Credit Card Fraud You Can Believe In!

I don’t even think Jimmy Carter could have helped Barack Obama pull this off.  The most fraudulent election in American history and it was brought to you Chicago Style.

No wonder Obama went back on his promise to accept public financing of his campaign and instead chose to do it himself.  Public financing would not have allowed him to try and steal the election.  I think that Obama’s ego has allowed him to come to the conclusion that he is above the law.

From Michelle Malkin:

I work for the credit card processing company that is culpable for allowing the DNC and the Obama Campaign to get away with rampant online donor fraud.

In a deliberate attempt to evade campaign financing laws, the Obama Campaign turned off certain security features on their online contribution page, which basically enables anyone in the world with a Visa/Mastercard to make donations in almost any amounts.

I have over 7 years experience in the payment services industry, and I have never seen such flagrant disregard for online security as I have seen on Obama’s Website and ACTBLUE (DNC PAC). In an age of identity theft and rampant online fraud, it is unconscionable for anyone to maintain an
ecommerce site without the basic security features. Yet, the majority of Democrats do. (McCain’s website and the Republican sites are in compliance with security regulations.)

I have followed the trail from the DNC to a PAC called ACTBLUE, which is responsible for the ecommerce portion of Democratic Party websites. ACTBLUE contracts the online fundraising portion to a company called, AUBURN QUAD. Auburn Quad has developed a software program, called Indigo, to make fund raising quick and easy. The secret sauce of Indigo appears to be the part of the program that turns off the Address Verification and CVV2 security features, which allows for untraceable, unlimited online donations.

There is no plausible explanation for these security violations other than wanting to skirt around campaign finance rules. I would vigorously argue that a large portion of Obama’s $579 million in individual contributions is in violation of campaign finance laws. Many donations may have been made by non US citizens, made in excess of the $2,300 individual limit, and made on
stolen credit card numbers.

This fraudulent donation scandal goes deeper than just the presidential election. 33 Democratic Candidates running for Senate have sites that are out of compliance. And a large number of Democratic House seats as well.

There needs to be an investigation into these online donations. The People need to know where the money is coming from. Elections should be won on ideas and not bought off by illicit campaign funds.

If elected, Obama will have lots to answer for.  So much so that he may make Bill Clinton’s legacy look almost squeeky clean.  From where I’m sitting, Obama makes Clinton and Nixon look like Saints, and that’s after Bill & Hillary Clinton with the help of Al Gore, took in bags full of cash from the Communits Chinese in their own little Campaign Finance Scam.

Truck Stop Strippers Love Obama

This had to be the utmost hilarious sign supporting Barack Obama for President. The Ionia Exit 67 off I-96 in Michigan has this little joint where you can get your truck towed and get a table dance called Shirley’s Backroom.  My 16 yr old son and I were going to visit my mom who happens to be a huge Obama supporter when we came upon this sign.


Truck Stop Strippers Love Obama

Truck Stop Strippers Love Obama

Just a little history on this place….Some guy in Ionia who was pissed off at the establishment decided to go against the grain of the whole community and opened a strip joint along with his Truck Towing business.  What makes this even better is that the guy named it after his Mom!  And yes, she was alive and well when this all took place some 10 yrs ago and even use to work in the place.  Not as a dancer but taking money at the door.  $10 would get you a cup of coffee and a donut along with a girl to talk to you, but if you wanted her to dance and get nekid for you, that was extra of course.  


Shirley's Backroom Towing & Strip Joint

Shirley's Backroom Towing & Strip Joint

I know what your saying, how do I know so much about this place?  I am a former resident of Ionia, Michigan and being involved with the law enforcement community at one time, I made it a point to know everything I needed to know without ever once setting one foot inside.

My mom has been working tirelessly for the Obama campaign (I think I may have been adopted) and avoid at all costs discussing politics with my mom so I just didn’t see the point of telling her about this, although my son and I got a huge laugh especially at all the Obama signs out at the front of the road leading up to the place.

If your ever broke down and need a tow and lap dance, be sure to stop in at Shirley’s Backroom.  Perhaps they have Billy Idol’s “Barack the cradle of love”  Or you can get a personalized peep show to “Barack Me Gently”.  On that happy note……………………….Good f’n night!

**EXPLOSIVE NEW AUDIO** Obama Promises San Francisco Audience He Will Bankrupt The American Coal Industry!

Obama has some “Hope & Change” in store for the people of Virginia and Pennsylvania and 25 other states that mine coal here in the United States.  He told his elitist friends in San Fransisco that he intends on bankrupting the American Coal industry.  Remember, these are the same people he was speaking to when he referred to the People of Pennsylvania as “Bitter people who cling to their guns and religion”.

The Gospel According to the Obamessiah:


“Let me sort of describe my overall policy.

What I’ve said is that we would put a cap and trade system in place that is as aggressive, if not more aggressive, than anybody else’s out there.

I was the first to call for a 100% auction on the cap and trade system, which means that every unit of carbon or greenhouse gases emitted would be charged to the polluter. That will create a market in which whatever technologies are out there that are being presented, whatever power plants that are being built, that they would have to meet the rigors of that market and the ratcheted down caps that are being placed, imposed every year.

So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it’s just that it will bankrupt them because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.

That will also generate billions of dollars that we can invest in solar, wind, biodiesel and other alternative energy approaches.

The only thing I’ve said with respect to coal, I haven’t been some coal booster. What I have said is that for us to take coal off the table as a ideological matter as opposed to saying if technology allows us to use coal in a clean way, we should pursue it.

So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can.

It’s just that it will bankrupt them.”

Some FACTS about Coal as a source of energy here in the US:


Although 90 percent of the country’s coal reserves are concentrated in 10 states, coal in mined in 27 states and can be found in even more. Montana has the most coal, 25 percent of demonstrated reserves. Wyoming, third among states with the most coal, is first in coal output, accounting for 18 percent of annual production.

U.S. coal reserves contain 12 times as much energy as all the oil in Saudi Arabia! A brief look at some numbers explains why coal is the country’s most abundant and important energy resource.

According to the United States Geological Survey, we have 1.7 trillion tons of identified coal resources — coal for which geological evidence and engineering studies provide reliable information about location, rank, quality, and quantity. (Geologists recognize that more coal deposits are likely to be discovered in the future, so they estimate total coal resources could amount to 4 trillion tons.)

Much of the coal we know about cannot be mined today, because it would be too costly or existing technology doesn’t allow it. It may be too deep, for example, or the quality may not meet current needs. So to be realistic, experts estimate that 472 billion tons of that coal are potentially recoverable. This is called the demonstrated reserve base.

Once again Obama shows as much concern for American Citizens, Industry and Energy Independence as he does for his family.  How many more ways is there to say “We’re so fucked” if this guy get elected?

We need to remember also what Joe “Gaffalot” Biden said about coal plants here in the US:

“No new coal plants here in America”

Don’t believe me, just listen for yourself.  Words straight from the mouth of an ass:

Congressional Schmuck John Conyers Moves To Protect Obama’s Illegal Alien Aunt

Congressional Schmuck John Conyers is calling for an investigation into who, what or why the immigration information of the Obamessiah’s aunt was leaked to the press while American Citizen Joe the plumber is left to sit with his ass in the wind to be phist phucked by the liberal media about anything and everything he’s ever said or done.

From Michelle Malkin:

I predicted the totally predictable last night. And so it has come to pass: The left-wing fairweather friends of privacy are all over the leak of Aunti Zeituni’s immigration info — while Joe The Plumber remainspersona non grata. Democrat Rep. John Conyers has already called for a federal investigation. The WaPo is already up with an A-section story on the anonymous leak. And the liberal blogs are up in arms.

The MSM abhor anonymous leaks — unless they’re helping to undermine Bush administration anti-terrorism programs or conservative causes and candidates.

Laughably, the Obama cultists suspect that Bush administration officials are in cahoots with the McCain campaign and the Associated Press.

Unfortunately, Michigan lays claim to four of the biggest schmucks in politics.  Debbie Staben-hoe cannot keep her husband happy, Levin is always at standbye with the white flag of surrender, Jennifer Granholm is busy bankrupting Michigan and driving away businesses and Conyers likes to cozy up to the radical Islamofacists of Dearbonistan in between launching impeachment hearings and using Justice Dept Brownshirts to investigate American citizens instead of the terrorist sympathizers he endears himself to.

In John Conyers’ eyes, an illegal alien who supports a facist re-distributor of wealth Democrat has more rights then an American citizen named Joe the Plumber who supports a Republican.  If Obama gets elected, the investigations into anyone who thinks he and Obama are worthless schmucks will dry up all of the Federal Law Enforcement resources so that Islamofacist Terrorists hell bent on the destruction of America will get a free pass.

I’ve noticed how well Obama takes care of his own family, one can only imagine well he’ll take care of America.  The whole nation under Obama will resemble the slums of Chicago after 4 yrs.

Wanted: Opinionated People Who Want To Write

I am searching for two or three people who would like to be contributors to “The Chronicles of a Rogue Jew”  Would prefer Jewish person who is right wing conservative, but would consider a right wing Christian who strongly supports Israel as the homeland of the Jews has a really good sense of humor and keep up with mine which was honed and nurtured by the Michigan Dept of Corrections 10 yrs (6 months of booty duty) and the Transportation Security Administration.  

I make absolutely no money off this blog, it is out of pure love and a sensational need to shoot off my big fat mouth and share the unusual thoughts that go on in my head with the world.

Trolls need not apply.  

I am kicking around the idea of taking all this from wordpress and have been hammering out a deal with a friend who offered me free server space!  

I think this blog could really go somewhere with some other big mouths besides myself.  There is nothing more satisfying then pissing off the liberal left. 

Please email me at

Obama’s Aunt In Country Illegally: “I Didn’t Know”

One would think that a person who wants to be POTUS would have some sense of awareness, like knowing the preacher who you claim to have been your spirtitual mentor was a racist Jew hating POS, or perhaps that the friends you keep are unrepentent terrorists who hate America and Israel.  But not Barack Obama.  Besides Jimmy Carter, has there ever been a person so clueless?  

Now we find out that Barack Obama’s aunt who is living in the projects of Boston is in this country ILLEGALLY and according to the all knowing all seeing Obamessiah, he didn’t know!  Oh, and by the way, the poverty striken aunt donated money to her nephew’s campaign.

From Michelle Malkin:

Barack Obama’s aunt, a Kenyan woman who has been quietly living in public housing in Boston, is in the United States illegally after an immigration judge rejected her request for asylum four years ago, The Associated Press has learned.

Zeituni Onyango, 56, referred to as “Aunti Zeituni” in Obama’s memoir, was instructed to leave the United States by a U.S. immigration judge who denied her asylum request, a person familiar with the matter told the AP late Friday. This person spoke on condition of anonymity because no one was authorized to discuss Onyango’s case.

Information about the deportation case was disclosed and confirmed by two separate sources, one of them a federal law enforcment official. The information they made available is known to officials in the federal government, but the AP could not establish whether anyone at a political level in the Bush administration or in the McCain campaign had been involved in its release.

Time to make some more room under the bus.  I suspect Obama’s aunt will join quite a crowd once the Chosen One tosses her under it.  I just wonder though, what job is it that American won’t do that she’s doing now?  Tell me again how Obama is dedicated to helping poor people…….

A brother who lives in a hut in Africa and now an aunt who lives in low income housing while the Chosen One lives high on the hog and the aunt is an illegal immigrant, but then again, Obama is a citizen of the world.